The idea of ​​Sergio Gamberini is as crazy as it is attractive – he managed to create an underwater plantation for growing land plants in unusual conditions. The project called “Garden Nemo” attracted the attention of photographers, but after the first harvest, they were very interested in it. It turns out that if you grow plants under water, but without access to water, you can get something unknown.

Technically, “Garden Nemo” consists of a complex of plastic spheres with a volume of approximately 2 cubic meters. m., which work on the use of a diving bell. They are anchored with chains at depths of 5 to 10 m in the shallow waters and the strong western coast of Italy. The plants inside are planted in ordinary soil, they do not come into contact with sea water, each sphere has holes for divers who serve the plantation.

Sad Nemo

The main feature of such a garden is that the plants are stocked only once – when planting seedlings. Sunlight heats transparent spheres, moisture from plants evaporates, but does not disappear anywhere, but condenses at night due to cooling of sea water and flows back into the ground. Several years of underwater garden found that the detection technology works great.

More interestingly, elevated pressure and unusual conditions have been shown to mean that underwater-grown basil has significantly more antioxidants and chlorophyll than its land-based counterpart. This is a task for scientists – at the moment they have no convincing manifestations of allergic reactions. Experiments with underwater gardens are ongoing, and perhaps this will be implemented using a new mechanism. information.

Source: Tech Cult

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