Investigator The age is calculated as only 3700 years, which is less than 5000 years old pictograms from ancient China, but according to Posti, this is the first initiation of concret.

The object itself, on which the inscription is made, is noteworthy: this is an ivory comb – an extremely expensive item. The crest has p p p, And the indication is a direct clarification of the exception – it has a great meaning of the translation “Let this tool drive out luck luck.”

The size of the comb is only 3.6 cm wide and 2.5 cm wide, this is not a decoration, it is a hygiene product. The letters are several miles across and difficult to read without context. However, the presence of egg remains and fragments in sparse teeth was an exceptionally preferable purpose for paedas. This is an instructive story – even the wealthy representatives of the people of Canaan, in whose language the inscription was made, suffered from hair parasites so much that they liked to “bewitch” hygiene items with the help of sacred texts of radial deliverance from adversity.


Source: Tech Cult

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