Scientists have noticed that there is a relationship between the use of hearing aids and the risk of developing initial dementia. It turned out that the use of hearing aids improves overall brain health. would have been discovered, this connection was not necessary, but an investigation involving more than 100,000 people s s s s s

Previous scientific work indicates a decrease in the cognitive functions of the brain when hearing begins to become dull. Small p p p appearances are real. It has also been found that hearing loss may precede the development of mental abilities.

Science has shown that this and the first and second phenomenon are naturally associated with neurodegenerative processes. However, research results suggest otherwise. It was found that the use of hearing aids increases the level of cognitive abilities by 3% in the short term and the degree of their severity by 19% in the long term.

Thus, the device, comensiols occurring with, can, if not prevent dementia – t, in the first place. decrease, decrease social transport.

Source: Tech Cult

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