Almost all online services take the step of offering usability. two-step authentication (2FA) because it’s a great way to increase the security you have when using them. If you are one of the users PayPal As always, we show you what you need to do to enable this option and be much calmer.

The way to increase security is to add an additional gateway to the traditional credentials (username and password) required to access services running in the cloud. Generally, mobile phonemakes it nearly impossible for anyone to access your account as you can’t combine the two options you need. A very good solution.

Frankly, what we’re discussing is an excellent tool for the options available in it. money management, and the PayPal service is one of its uses. Currently, there are more and more websites that even allow you to pay for products with this online service. That’s why the authentication we’re talking about is the most recommendable use it.

Steps to enable two-step authentication in PayPal

Although this is a delicate process, there is no problem completing the configuration from a computer. web client from service. That’s all you need to do to get it easily.

  • Start your PayPal account as usual, if necessary enter the required credentials to do so.
  • Click on the icon with the gear picture in the top right and then select Security Center from the options that appear on the top ribbon.
  • The second option on the screen that opens is Two-Step Verification, you should use the option on the right called Configure.
  • A wizard starts, which you must follow step-by-step, introducing the options you see fit and the methods to use. We recommend that you set the use of SMS as the sending method.
  • When you complete the above, you will have everything configured perfectly and more importantly, your PayPal account will be more secure.
PayPal two-step verification

Smart Life

As you can see, enabling two-step verification for your PayPal account is not complicated at all. If you find it doesn’t suit you despite the added security provided by this tool, the action can be undone. A good option Keep it in mind as you will avoid many of the problems we recommend using it.

Source: Cincodias Elpais

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