One of the most talked about topics on the internet lately is the natural language processing tool ChatGPT. artificial intelligence (AI)can produce texts similar to content written by humans. The innovation was developed by the same company that launched Dall-E, a popular artificial intelligence system that creates images from text.

The tool can answer questions, produce texts on different topics and even write programming codes. for now, ChatGPT is completely open and free Analyzes users’ use of information to provide more accurate answers, including

The tool works with a system that predicts the next word in a sentence and finds patterns by trial and error. That’s why the answers aren’t always right.

What is ChatGPT?

Created by research firm OpenAI ChatGPT It was released on November 30, 2022, and within a few days it had a huge impact on the internet. Besides answering simple questions, the tool can generate essays, suggest ideas, write code, do math, encourage philosophical conversations, among thousands of other possibilities.

According to OpenAI, the language model of the tool was trained using different speech models, where the artificial intelligence had to play the role of a user and virtual assistant. ChatGPT was trained using the Human Feedback Reinforced Learning (RLHF) system.

A user on Twitter claimed that he asked the tool to write hip-hop lyrics in the style of rapper Eminem’s songs, and the tool managed to do it with impressively smoothness.

Is ChatGPT safe?

In other words, ChatGPT was developed to maintain a conversation with the end user, whether they are generating text, answering questions or generating programming code. However, the answers will not always be correct, as OpenAI looks for information in blocks of training data – that is, the content is limited as the AI ​​does not have direct access to the internet.

One of OpenAI’s tips do not enter any personal informationbecause the tool feeds off interactions with users.

Despite accurately performing various activities such as answering basic questions and writing content on popular topics, the tool will not always be accurate. Some answers may not be of good quality or are completely meaningless — depending on the topic, when testing the tool, ChatGPT may only respond with text full of irrelevant information to fill in the field.

“ChatGPT is frighteningly good. We’re not far from a dangerously powerful AI,” said Elon Musk, one of the founders of OpenAI, before leaving the company. Sam Altman, head of OpenAI, said in response: “I agree with being close to a dangerously strong AI, in the sense of, for example, an AI that poses a major cybersecurity risk. And I think we can achieve a general AI. Intelligence (AGI), so I risk it.” We have to take it very seriously.”

How to use ChatGPT?

For now, the technology is still available for freemainly to fill the tool with information and perform quality tests – even alerting users that they can use the results produced to train the technology. But the free period shouldn’t be forever: The CEO of OpenAI has already said that he needs to monetize ChatGPT at some point, but there’s still no set date.

It is quite simple to use:

  • Just access the official ChatGPT page and sign up for OpenAI;
  • Select the text box at the bottom of the screen and you’re done. Start typing now and have fun;
  • You can switch to dark mode by clicking “Dark Mode” from the menu on the left side of the screen, reset the information you entered with “Reset Topic”, and get questions and answers about ChatGPT with “FAQ”.

It is even possible to write in Portuguese, but it is noteworthy that some information is more accurate and/or more complete when questions are asked in English during the tests.

We tested ChatGPT! See the tool in action

TecMundo tested ChatGPT to validate the solution’s capabilities. It’s pretty simple to use: all the user has to do is ask a question in Portuguese and wait for the AI ​​to respond.

“What is TecMundo?” when asked, the tool was able to answer very accurately. “TecMundo is a technology news portal that is one of the main references in technology content in Brazil. The site offers content on the most diverse topics of the technology world, such as smartphones, computers, games, internet, electronics, applications, legislation.

The tool asks, “Who is the Casimiro publisher?” He gave a meaningless answer while adding his question. “Casimiro is a Brazilian game publisher, specifically Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The response stood out as one of the earliest members of the Brazilian publishing team ESEA Brasil.

So, although it is an extremely interesting tool for different activities, there are still flaws and points that need to be fixed. However, with the rapid advancement of technology, there is a tendency for the ChatGPT tool to become more and more intelligent.

Source: Tec Mundo

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