Most of the death of dinosaurs arose closer to the era of their extinction – they became a kind of crowning creation of this species of animals, ideally matched to life in that environment and climate. However, before that, there were a lot of them, but the investigators found very few, ask the whole nepkl nr. Alas, scientists have almost no material to study their remains, it was so long ago. It’s still possible to do it.

Researchers at a British university have proposed a broader reversal of calls back to the dawn of the proven dinosaurs. They looked for telltale signs—the sharp teeth of carnivores or the flat teeth of herbivores—but found neither togro nor dogro. The preliminary respectful conclusion is that vs, or all dinosaur ancestors were omnivores.


The Triassic period turned into a global catastrophe for the Earth: naturally, the Pangea continent split, volcanoes spewed an incredible amount of ash, more than half of all plants died out. The animals were even worse – only those who could eat everything that they managed to eat survived. However, then came the Jurassic period, when the climate returned to normal, and the water became more, but it also became very very very.

According to the accepted theory 2, only predatory predators and herbivorous dinosaurs are of this origin, because they occupied different niches in the environment and did not compete with other animals. And then the famous meteorite arrived and the whole review process from scratch – most of the fauna and flora died out, and only small, extremely unpretentious omnivorous objects survived, which were far from modern modern mammals.

Source: Tech Cult

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