HE IS crash sensor One of the innovations of the iPhone 14 and Apple Watches in 2022. But the feature, which detects serious accidents and in some cases sends out calls to rescuers, has become a problem in Canada.

According to Canadian volunteer search and rescue groups, system sends “false distress calls” after hikers quickly fall or slip on the trails. Later, the authorities who came to the scene find the people unharmed.

🇧🇷Sensor detects sudden change in speed and sound of metal and glass🇧🇷 Search and Rescue Association volunteer Dwight Yochim said, “But for the more active hikers, falls and collisions in the forest sent the wrong calls for help.” Global News.

Depending on the region, some events even include helicopters in searches, according to the representative. As a result, false alerts can prevent the recovery of a real resource demanding search.

“Until we find out otherwise, we see everything as an emergency, one of which is at risk,” said Jim Loree of North Shore Rescue. Next, the volunteer suggests: users to be more careful when using Apple technology and avoid unnecessary searches🇧🇷

Rescuers offer other tips for hikers in addition to Apple's feature.

The update should fix the fake call issue

By Global Newsa Apple is expected to release an update soon with better collision detection sensor settings. Remembering that this is not the first time the resource has generated false distress calls.

In addition to the conscious use of technology, rescuers give extra tips to hikers on the trails. For example, also Emergency calls can make it easier for the mobile phone to search in areas with no signal🇧🇷

It is also recommended to always carry equipment, food and water for nighttime survival.🇧🇷 It is also essential to communicate with other people about the area to hike and the expected return.

Source: Tec Mundo

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