DoNotPay founder Joshua Browder has said he’s ready to ride out for a $1 million meeting in fact or a defendant in the U.S. Supreme Court that agrees with his rules’ lawyers on AI clues. Be that as it may, it is probably AI, on which the expected result will depend. Browder himself has no doubts about the successful outcome, which is why the professor received such a generous award.
This is a public experiment, the purpose of which is openly stated – to test the possibility of implementing the protection function in the presence of time in real judges. What’s more, Browder wants to raise the stakes, so instead of just challenging traffic fines, he’s set his sights on going to the US Supreme Court. The risk is great, but the game is worth the candle – if successful, the AI from DoNotPay opens up incredible opportunities.
It is necessary to clarify that this is not a whim of a brader – Against, behind the initiative of the SVES They want to show and understand that an artificial leader can overcome the bureaucracy and the bureaucratic parliament, that AI can surpass a person in one area or another, where there is increased injustice in relation to ordinary people. If AI surpasses professional lawyers in rhetoric and convinces the judge that he is right, this will be the death of a new vevivist humanity
Source: Tech Cult