2022 hasn’t exactly been the best year for cybersecurity. One of the most important elements for the user experience on the network is security. Government agencies around the world have highlighted this and are doing their part to stop the misuse and transfer of personal data. Companies like Apple have based much of their personality on prioritizing that security over other features. Yet, despite all the technological efforts, millions of people were affected by massive data theft last year.

More than 400 million people affected in a single year

Since twitter until Whats uppassing Aim and many other social networks or Internet applications, many users have been affected by this massive data theft. last report published by Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) reveals some promising statistics, such as the reduction in so-called “data breaches.” They were dropped, yes, but still a huge number with hundreds of millions of thefts occurring over the network.

If we look at the ITRC report, the chain of uncontrolled growth for six years exploded. As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, data thefts have decreased considerably. In fact, the study shows that the decrease reaches as much as 42%. But despite this encouraging data, there were a total of 422 million users who were victims of online data leaks. It’s a substantial figure that shows we still have a long way to go, even though we’re doing things well.

Lack of transparency continues to impact the industry

Worse, the ITRC research does not take into account most of the tech companies that are not publicly transparent and have not disclosed the actual breach of their databases to the media. In other words, the entire report was prepared with available data, and only 34% of the total report detailed the cyber attacks that companies were exposed to and resulted in the leaking of personal data to the internet. . Therefore, the data should be much higher. And transparency could be the key to ending hackers in the future.

Source: Cincodias Elpais

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