the expression “Internet “Lawless land” has never been less relevant than in recent years. For example, in Brazil various measures have been taken to make the car tidy, and another one is coming soon. Now, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s government plans to follow up with a da Silva bill Used to hold big techs accountable for allowing content that violates the Democratic State of Law Act.

Thus, the aim of the action at the head of the current Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, is, for example: violating or abolishing the democratic rule of law; violence means overthrowing any democratically elected government; conflicts between armed forces and constitutional forces.

In this context, digital platforms will have the mission of carefully analyzing the content published in their field in order to prevent manifestations against the law and democracy.. To meet this “duty of due diligence”, companies will have to submit periodic transparency reports showing how content that threatens the State’s legality has been reduced or removed.

If the practice is not cultivated properly, the companies in question can be fined. However, it is important to understand that they will not be legally liable for certain illegal posts. The planned penalty will only be applied as soon as there is widespread and persistent non-compliance with the new law.

The bill against fraudulent posts was based on the concept of “duty of caution” in the UK’s Online Safety Act, which is enshrined in the European Union’s Internet regulation Digital Services Act (DSA), which will come into effect next month. and German network regulation.

The offer was not well received by the internet, with some companies and individuals claiming that this way a lot of content would be “censored” and taken down simply for fear of punishment.

Source: Tec Mundo

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