This text was written by a TecMundo columnist.

In 1999, programmer Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves), codenamed Neo, invades virtual systems and profoundly impacts his life in a futuristic digital and computerized environment. The movie “The Matrix” became a worldwide success with audiences and revenue, among other things, bringing the hacking and cybersecurity debate into public debate.

Twenty years later, the theme occupies open TV, reaching millions of Brazilians every night through a telenovela produced by one of the largest communications groups in the country. Aware of the need for its social role, the telenovela “Travessia” (Globo) brings cyber attacks to the central axis of the plot, thus demonstrating the need for prevention and cybersecurity solutions. Crimes committed by the characters include deepfakes, brute force attacks, sexually explicit messaging and other virtual threats.

An unsuspecting teenager dives into the deep web and, out of irresponsibility and fun, picks a random woman on the social network and sticks his face into the body of a kidnapper. From then on, the hero is captured and imprisoned, but is released from jail after a hacker invades the judicial system and removes the police investigation from the database without leaving any traces.

Unfortunately, the young woman who actually inspired the conspiracy was not so lucky and was beaten to death after being mistaken for a criminal. The truth gained a great reputation and echo in the national and international press at that time.

However, the main message to the audience is that in today’s digital and computerized world, every citizen is likely to be the victim of hackers through cyber attacks. Yes, cyberattacks have long only kept large companies from sleeping and caused human inconvenience and financial losses – these attacks are often used by hackers as a gateway for mass attacks in corporate environments.

All you need is a computer or other networked device. According to a study transmitted by Tenable by Forrester Consulting, 82% of remote workers today have six or more devices connected to their home network to understand Brazil’s context. With the proliferation of technologies such as IoT, OT, 5G, and the integration of new everyday objects to the web, the attack surface is growing exponentially. Add to this the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the new behavioral and working dynamics in the corporate world, which has undergone structural changes and compelled companies to adapt to an increasingly virtual and alienated environment. And we know that the more technology is used for good, the more gaps open for evil.

Brazil is currently one of the five countries most affected by cyber attacks in the world. Therefore, it is important for everyone to be aware that cyber attack is also a crime. And therefore, it should be condemned. In addition, a culture of cybersecurity needs to be promoted in the country through effective guidance and prevention campaigns and investments in digital security solutions. Initiatives like the telenovela contribute to this and are worthy of applause.

Arthur Capella is managing director of Tenable Brazil.

Source: Tec Mundo

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