If you want to download and archive Vimeo videos for personal use, you can do so with online converters or downloadable software. Online converters are especially useful if you’re downloading videos on your mobile device or just don’t want to install a conversion app on your PC. Keep in mind that desktop converters can be more reliable and safer to use than online converters.

ImportantA: Before explaining the process, please note that the laws regarding copying and distributing copyrighted materials vary from place to place. In addition, each creator will have their own rules about whether people can download or copy their work.

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Step 1 – Visit KeepDownLoading

The easiest way to download videos from Vimeo is to use an online converter. Be careful which one you choose as there is no guarantee of download quality and the services may contain ads. Our favorite is KeepDownLoading because it’s intuitive and easy to use.

Step 2: Copy and paste the Vimeo video link.

First, find the Vimeo video you want to download and copy its email address from your browser’s address bar. Go back to KeepDownLoading and paste it into the box Enter your URL here. Then click Download to start the conversion.

Step 3 – Upload your video

Once your video conversion is completed, you will see another screen where you will be presented with five resolution options through the blue buttons; 1080p is the highest possible resolution. Right-click any of the buttons and select an option from the pop-up menu Save link as.

In chapter File name in the pop-up window, put a label that is more suitable than the random number sequence provided by the system, and select the folder where you want to save the video. Press Hold (you will see the clip start downloading).

KeepDownLoading Interface

Note. Left clicking on any of the blue buttons will open the file in the browser. To download it from here, you need to go to the browser menu and find the item save page as. A file manager will open and allow you to rename the video and select a download location.

alternative method

How to download videos from Vimeo

While using an online converter is the best way to download videos from Vimeo, there are other alternatives. Some clips on the platform may have a download button above the description so you can get a copy; it all depends on the creator who originally uploaded the material.

If there is no button, you can use software such as 4K Video Downloader. To get started, first download and install the program on your PC or Mac, copy the URL of the video you are interested in, then open the application and click the button Insert link in the top left corner. Then follow the instructions on the screen. Don’t be fooled by the name, you can download videos in non-4K resolution.

Source: Digital Trends

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I am Garth Carter and I work at Gadget Onus. I have specialized in writing for the Hot News section, focusing on topics that are trending and highly relevant to readers. My passion is to present news stories accurately, in an engaging manner that captures the attention of my audience.


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