Microsoft has recently helped fend off cybercrime attacks against Ukraine. According to the company, the Strontium gang has shut down seven domains and placed them on a secure server so that they cannot be used for cybercrime.
Criminals targeted journalistic organizations in Ukraine, as well as research institutes and think tanks based in the USA and the European Union. The idea was to remotely access the victims’ servers and extract sensitive information and disable important services.
Thanks to the court decision, which was quickly issued, the company was able to block any activity of the criminals.
The Russian-backed invasion of Ukraine, which has been going on since the end of February this year, has a significant battleground in the online space: government pages, banking websites and the stability of the population’s internet connection have already been targeted by criminals. Putin.
long criminal record
Strontium, also known as APT28 and Fancy Bear, is one of the most dangerous cybercrime teams in Russia. It has been active since at least 2016 and is closely monitored by cybersecurity labs from the very first moment.
The group is accused of being one of the participants in the intervention plan in the 2016 presidential election in the United States and being responsible for malware that infects nearly 500,000 routers worldwide. In recent years, Strontium would also attack the servers of an international sports association, the computers of US politicians, and even the pharmaceutical companies developing a vaccine against covid-19.
Source: Tec Mundo