WhatsApp updated with a very useful feature for those who use group chats. The latest version adds an important feature to community group chats which will provide users with additional information. The app aims to ensure that people are aware of the group’s purpose, so it will offer its creators the ability to write a short description.

In accordance with WABetaInfoThe latest version of WhatsApp for iOS has a feature for adding group descriptions. Creators can fill in text field with information that they find relevant, so that new members can read it before joining.

Group description is not requiredHowever, WhatsApp encourages creators to use it. One of the pillars of the app is communication, so it aims to ensure clear descriptions in community group chats. While this feature is already seen in groups, WhatsApp will be bringing it to communities to expand its functionality.

Descriptions of the community group chats are available at WhatsApp for iOS 24.16.75. This feature is currently only offered to users participating in the beta program, so we will have to wait a few weeks find out if this is implemented in the version for all audiences.

Let’s remember this. Not all features available in the beta version are displayed in the app.. The most important ones usually spend weeks or months in testing before debuting in the final version. Others simply disappear, and we never hear from them again.

WhatsApp Bets on Groups and Communities

Recently, WhatsApp has invested resources into improving group chats and communities. As the most used messaging app in the world, it’s no surprise that Meta wants to offer alternatives beyond individual messages. Group chats have become one of the most popular featuresSo Meta has made improvements to how it works.

A few weeks ago, WhatsApp added security tools to Control unwanted group invitations. Users who receive an invitation will be able to view a card that shows the group name, admin, and creation date. This contextual card, as defined by WhatsApp, will also offer the option to leave or report the group.

While groups and communities are very useful, they are also a holiday for scammers. The introduction of group chat descriptions is an important step in the fight against them, but users should be wary of any scam attempts. The most recent one, known as “Add me on WhatsApp,” aims to steal your data by inviting you to a chat.

If you receive a message that mentions something important you need to know and it comes with a link, ignore it and do not open or click on it.

Source: Hiper Textual

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I'm Ben Stock, a highly experienced and passionate journalist with a career in the news industry spanning more than 10 years. I specialize in writing content for websites, including researching and interviewing sources to produce engaging articles. My current role is as an author at Gadget Onus, where I mainly cover the mobile section.


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