An important novelty was discovered in version 8.7.2 of Telegram for iOS. This was reported channel dedicated to beta versions of the app, albeit unofficially. As they comment This is the “Premium” version for Telegramand will come to offer some news as part of a paid subscription.

It is currently known that users premium they will be able to use special stickers as well as exclusive emoji reactions. All this will be included in the Premium version of the application, according to various leaks. Also, some images were shown of what this subscription screen might look like.

now subscription plans, how it will work and price unknown under which he will come. Of course, the application’s subscribers did not take this movement too emotionally, as is often the case with such decisions. However, Telegram has been giving hints about such things for some time now.

According to media reports Digital Trendsin 2020, Pavel Durov, creator of the platform, commented that “Telegram will start generating revenue next year“It’s part of a movement to not be sold like WhatsApp and not disappear, as has happened to many in history. According to Durov, Telegram “will add some new features for business teams or advanced users”, but that was would need to open In fact, at the end of 2021, the company announced a subscription to remove ads from its channels.

How the Telegram Premium plan works

Although all features are unknown, the leaked video allows us to see how the system works. From 9to5Google They note that Telegram Premium’s response will be “similar to the great emoji that Telegram has introduced in recent months, but with options not available to free users.”

Users not part of the model premium from telegram they won’t be able to see those reactions or stickers in conversations. They will only see an ad inviting them to join the subscription.

Telegram premium features

Of course, at the moment the company has not officially issued a decision on this proposal. Actually, the monthly price that Telegram Premium will have is unknownand also if it will offer other features besides exclusive stickers and reactions.

Telegram avatar creator

According to comments from Redditit seems that this new feature also will come with avatar maker. At least that was the case with a user who managed to see this feature in the macOS version of Telegram. Of course, it is unknown if this is something the company is working on for all of its users or if it will be exclusive to a subscription.

now, it seems that users are just looking for something from clarity. After all, for a company as respected by its user base as Telegram, the transition to the “dark side” of subscriptions does not happen every day.

Source: Hiper Textual

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