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“Strength training rejuvenates aging skin by reducing circulating inflammatory factors and improving dermal extracellular matrices,” was the title of a recently published study. Scientific ReportsBy researchers from Japan.

On different websites it is stated that exercise ages the skin, creates wrinkles, etc. We found information. Data contradicts data in the scientific literature, where aerobic training is recommended as an effective anti-aging strategy for the skin. However, until then, the effects of bodybuilding had not been adequately researched.

The current study showed that bodybuilding is effective against skin aging, such as deterioration of skin elasticity, upper dermal structure, and dermal thickness.

How was the study conducted?

The Japanese compared the effects of two types of exercise (aerobic and weight training) on ​​skin aging in a 16-week intervention in 56 healthy, middle-aged but physically inactive Japanese women. physical activities regularly.

They were randomized, meaning they were randomly distributed into two groups, each doing one type of exercise. They trained twice a week. Aerobic training lasted 30 minutes on a bicycle ergometer. The strength training consisted of 6 exercises (knee flexion and extension, rowing, overhead press, bench press and biceps curl) of the famous 3 sets of 10 repetitions, both under the supervision of professionals.

The study was conducted in April and May 2019, but the data was only published more than four years later, in June 2023. Before and after the 16-week training, women’s facial skin characteristics, body composition and physical capacity were evaluated and blood samples were taken.

Aerobic exercise significantly reduced body weight and BMI and increased maximum oxygen consumption. Weight training significantly increased lean mass and muscle strength. These are specific outcomes expected as effects of training. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, the ideal combination for our health would be: 2 and a half hours of aerobic activity and two muscle-strengthening exercises per week for adults (18 to 64 years old).

Has women’s skin improved?

Main result of the study Has the skin on women’s faces changed?. Skin elasticity and upper dermal structure improved significantly in both groups, and dermal thickness increased in the weight training group.

Positive effects on the skin: Another result of regular exercise.

To understand what mechanisms explain the slightly better results of bodybuilding, blood samples were analyzed. The increase in dermal thickness was a specific effect of bodybuilding on the skin and was triggered by a decrease in circulating levels of certain substances, such as the CCL28 protein. It is known that dermal thickness decreases with aging, but bodybuilding has been effective in this direction.

Both aerobic and strength exercise appear to increase skin elasticity and dermal structure, but weight training showed better results in dermal thickness.It is the middle layer of the skin that provides tone, balance and elasticity to the skin.

When it comes to skin rejuvenation, creams to be applied to the skin seem to come to mind immediately. However It looks like we have something more accessible and affordable for young skin on the go, the largest organ in the human body.

Fábio Dominski He holds a PhD in Human Movement Sciences and a degree in Physical Education from Santa Catarina State University (UDESC). He is a university professor and researcher at the Laboratory of Sport and Exercise Psychology (LAPE/CEFID/UDESC). He is the author of the book Exercising Físico e Ciência – Fatos e Mitos and hosts the program Exercising Físico e Ciência on UDESC joinville radio (91.9 FM); in the program Available as a podcast on Spotify.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I'm Blaine Morgan, an experienced journalist and writer with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. My expertise lies in writing about technology news and trends, covering everything from cutting-edge gadgets to emerging software developments. I've written for several leading publications including Gadget Onus where I am an author.


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