It’s coming back to talk about Netflix and in particular its plan to commercial break within the platform. It’s no secret anymore: Netflix has lost more than 200,000 users and plans to lose a few more million over the course of these months. The behemoth is desperately trying to figure out how to stop the bleeding. Of the many options on the table, the behemoth is also working on a economic subscription but supported by advertising.

This new subscription does not replace the current offers, but is simply an extra option for those who want access to the service catalog but do not plan to spend more than 7 euros per month.

Netflix isn’t the only company in the industry to have sniffed this opportunity. We already know that Disney+ will do the same (and roughly we already know the details of the proposal).

Well, Fargo, an American analytics studio, was trying to figure out how Netflix’s ad subscription might work. This is a hypothesis, but it’s still worth a look.

For starters, according to the research, the ad will undoubtedly be placed before the content starts. Not during and of course not at the end. Netflix isn’t going to interrupt your favorite series to show you a commercial. According to Well Fargo it would be virtually impossible to do this, as it would have to identify – either manually or with an automated system – in each movie and series the most appropriate time to send the commercials. To difficult. Netflix is ​​more likely to try to emulate the cinematic experience, with a collection of commercials before the movie or episode starts.

ok but how many ads are we talking about? Well, Fargo has a hypothesis about that too: a minimum of four and a maximum of six. Each of these will last 15-30 seconds, for a total of up to three minutes. Commercials should – as in the case of Disney+ – only appear once every 60 minutes of viewing time. After all, it might be a more acceptable compromise.

Source: Lega Nerd

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