they say that Red Bull It gives you wings. We don’t know if this is true. In fact, the energy power of taurine, its main ingredient, has not been fully scientifically proven. What seems increasingly clear is that, at least in other animals, this substance plays an interesting role in slowing aging. That’s the conclusion of a study conducted this summer that is pending. clinical trials on humans.
In fact, this study, conducted by scientists at Columbia University, follows on from many others that have suggested taurine’s role as a anti-aging treatment. On the one hand, there are studies that show that the natural level of taurine in the human body decreases with age. And on the other hand, there are also studies on animals that show low levels of this substance. accelerate aging.
For this reason, the authors of this study, published in The scienceI tried adding taurine to the groups mice and monkeysto test whether benefits associated with the aging process were actually observed. So it was. Both have improved significantly in this regard. It is not the fountain of eternal youth and does not take us back in time; but at least in these animals, it seems to help them age a little slower.
What is taurine?
We’re all familiar with the name taurine because it’s the main ingredient in Red Bull. But in fact, it is a substance that is naturally found in our body and is associated with processes such as bile production, balance of fluids, salts and minerals, or energy production.
It can be obtained through food, as it is found mainly in meat and fish. And, of course, in supplements.
A follow-up study of 30,000 people was conducted between 1993 and 1998 and asked about some of their habits, including diet and exercise regimen. In addition, levels of various substances and indicator parameters were measured in his body. aging markers. Thus, two interesting facts have been noticed regarding taurine. On the one hand, people with higher levels of this substance had lower levels inflammation and less likely to have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or be obesity. Everything related to aging. On the other hand, it has been observed that regular practice physical exercise increase in taurine levels.
Seeing these benefits would give a lot of wings to Red Bull’s marketing, which has already been in the market for about a decade. But it’s not that simple. It was necessary to carry out more research.
Important anti-aging power
In this latest study, mice and monkeys were given taurine and their markers of aging were compared to animals of the same species without supplementation.
Benefits were observed in both animals. Mice show less increase weightincrease Bone Densityimprovement endurance and muscle strengthreduction insulin resistanceah, better functioning the immune system and one useful life 10% longer. In humans, this would be equivalent to about 8 more years of good quality of life.
In the case of monkeys, those who took the supplements experienced benefits such as less increase in weightreduction fasting sugar level or increase Bone Density. In addition, improvements were observed in liver and immune system health.
It’s not about gorging yourself on Red Bull.
Just because studies show benefits from supplementation in mice or monkeys does not mean the same will happen in humans. It is suspected that this may have happened, but we cannot know for sure until it is verified.
Therefore, we cannot be sure that taurine helps slow down human aging. But even if that were the case, it wouldn’t mean you’re tired of drinking Red Bull. In fact, the authors of the investigation themselves insisted on this aspect in statements and interviews.
It is true that the levels of taurine used in supplements are considered safe by health authorities. Just like Red Bull. The problem is that this drink combine taurine with other ingredients What could be more dangerous?
On the one hand, there is a problem caffeine. It is true that this substance has many health benefits, but its levels need to be kept within safe limits. European Food Safety Authority, EFSAstates that the safe amount a person can consume is about 3 mg per kg per day for children and adolescents. and some 5.7 mg per kg per day for adults.
A can of Red Bull contains approx. 32 mg per 100 ml. Considering that there are 475 ml cans, we will be talking about 152 mg per dose. It would be too much for a child. For an adult it would be ok during the day. However, what is generally considered safe in a single dose for adults is equivalent to what children should take throughout the day. That is 3 mg/kg. In this case, while it would be safe for adults over 50kg, it would be very borderline. If we add to this the almost 50 mg of sugar it may contain, we have a highly unrecommended drink. And of course, if someone decides to take two cansI would have already crossed the dangerous line.
Then what should we do?
If taurine is proven to be so beneficial for humans, it may be possible to find ways to supplement it. Until, exercise It will always be a thousand times better than Red Bull. In a way, well-designed exercises really do give you wings.
Source: Hiper Textual