It may seem to us that pick your nose This is a unique children’s custom. However, some people continue to do this as adults. Sometimes without even realizing it. There are actually two terms for this habit. On one hand, the simple process of removing mucus or any object from the nose with your fingers is called rhinotilexis. On the other hand, when it becomes a compulsive action, it is called rhinotilexomania. Sometimes people do this so persistently that they can get hurt. But this is not the only negative consequence. According to a study recently published in Biomoleculescould even become cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

As we have said many times, Alzheimer’s disease is a multifactorial disease. This means that there is no single cause that makes these patients sick. genetics plays a very important role, but also atmosphere. In recent years it has been noticed that brain inflammation plays an important role in development of the disease. It is for this reason that deeper research begins. how does diet affect in his appearance. But what we eat isn’t the only thing that can trigger inflammation in the brain.

It is known that many microorganisms They also have such potential. After all, inflammation can appear as a result of the immune system fighting a threat. It is also known that nose picking can introduce many microorganisms present in the body. on fingers, which can reach the brain. This is exactly what these scientists wanted to find out. They did not conduct experiments, but they collected a lot of scientific literature on the subject, showing that it is indeed likely that rhinotilexis may be one of many factors that increases the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Rhinotheliexis and rhinotilexomania

The act of nose picking is probably almost as old as humanity. The oldest evidence of this was found in a papyrus from 1330 BC. e., in which, in addition to food and overnight accommodation, payment is offered for three heads of cattle. Tutankhamun’s nose picker.

Not only was it done, but other people were paid to do it. Over time, we have stopped being so squeamish and those who pick their noses do it without third parties. Plus, it’s much more common than it seems. A study was conducted in 1995 in which 1000 adults were surveyed randomly. about the habit of picking your nose. Curious, 91% Of these, he reported that he did so at some point.

A few years later, in 2001, a similar investigation was carried out, but with 200 students Indian schools. Almost everyone admitted to picking their nose. on average 4 times a day. Among the reasons, the most common was the desire to relieve itching, but 12% admitted that they did it simply because it felt good. Probably like Tutankhamun.

It’s not just children who can pick their nose. Photo: Jan Krujau (Unsplash)

What happens when you pick your nose?

People usually don’t wash their hands before picking their nose. Hence microorganisms present on fingers they can enter it.

This organ has direct access to the brain, so some of these microorganisms could get to it. They may not cause disease, but they do cause inflammation that is not visible on the outside, which may ultimately be associated with pathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease.

In fact, this study cites studies that have found the presence of certain microorganisms in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. From viruses like HSV-1 even bacteria such as spirochetespassing through mushrooms like Fungal microorganisms albicans.

There are also studies that link the virus that causes COVID-19 to an increased likelihood of getting sick. Alzheimer’s.

But this is not the only thing that can increase the likelihood of developing the disease. pick your nose. By making this seemingly simple gesture, we can also influence our own lives. nasal microbiota. That is, microorganisms that live in it naturally. They are responsible, among other things, for preventing infections. Therefore, indirectly, the same effects may occur again. Possible inflammation that can reach the brain. Studies done on mice have shown that if the nasal epithelium is damaged, the risk of infection may increase, causing a brain response similar to that of Alzheimer’s patients.

So while it may seem like an innocent habit, it’s important to know the possible consequences. Don’t worry if you’ve ever done this. Or even if you do it often. It seems that this is not the only reason or one of the most common; but just in case, this might be a good excuse to break the habit.

Source: Hiper Textual

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