Each month, the night sky offers wonderful opportunities to dust off your binoculars and telescopes and observe stars, planets, and other celestial wonders. However, April will not be like the others, it will be even more beautiful!

The most important astronomy event of the month is an event that astronomy enthusiasts have been waiting for years: the total solar eclipse that will take place on April 8! This phenomenon occurs when the Moon is directly between the Sun and the Earth, reflecting its shadow on a small portion of the Earth’s surface.

Observers in this region, known as the “path of totality,” will see the Moon gradually slide in front of the Sun, reducing its disk and thus its brightness until it completely obscures it for a few brief (but spectacular) moments. ) minute. At these moments, the Sun’s thin outer atmosphere, called the corona, becomes visible, where the surface becomes as dark as night.

Unfortunately, this time the event will not be visible from Brazil or any other part of South America and will be limited to privileged observers in North America, from Mexico to Canada. In other parts of the planet, such as Portugal, a partial solar eclipse will be observed due to the Moon not completely covering the solar disk. But don’t worry: This event will be broadcast live on NASA channels and social networks.

Another astronomical event April’s highlight is the Lyrid meteor showerA series of meteors will radiate from the constellation Lira, leaving bright trails in the sky. This is a meteor shower considered to be of medium size, typically producing approximately 15 to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It originates from space debris left by Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher, discovered in 1861.

Lyrid meteor shower in Chilean sky.

Lyrids occur every year in April, usually between the 16th and 25th, and this year the peak of their activity will occur on the night of the 22nd and in the early morning hours of the 23rd. up to 18 meteors per hour.

Although this phenomenon is best seen from the northern hemisphere, In Brazil, this phenomenon can be observed in all regions of the country, but mainly in the north and northeast.. To do this, stay in a place where the night sky is well visible, preferably dark and with low light pollution: meteors can be seen anywhere in the sky.

Using apps like Celeste Map, Star Map, and Sky View are great for helping locate celestial objects.

Calendar of main astronomical events for the month April 2024

02/04: In the First Quarter of the Month

06/04: Conjunction between the Moon and Mars and occlusion of Saturn on the Moon

04/08: Total solar eclipse and New Moon

10/04: Conjunction between Saturn and Mars

04/15: In the First Quarter of the Month

04/20: Jupiter and Uranus conjunction

04/21: Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks reaches maximum brightness

22 and 23/04: Peak of the Lyrid meteor shower

04/23: full moon

Clear skies and good observations!

Always be aware of all the celestial events of the month on TecMundo and get the opportunity to share the April calendar on your social networks. See you soon!

Source: Tec Mundo

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I'm Blaine Morgan, an experienced journalist and writer with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. My expertise lies in writing about technology news and trends, covering everything from cutting-edge gadgets to emerging software developments. I've written for several leading publications including Gadget Onus where I am an author.


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