a new cyber threat causes panic in the United States. Maui is a malware designed by North Korea. His specialty? Healthcare facilities: between hospitals, research centers and clinics.

To sound the alarm, theFBI and CISA, the two agencies denounce the appearance of the malware, which has now become an increasingly formidable threat. The first known cases date back to May 2021, but lately the malware has been spreading at an increasingly worrying rate.

Malware is capable of attacking and encrypting some very specific file types. For example, patient medical records, as well as diagnostic services. Hackers mainly target medical facilities. The FBI has not provided detailed information on how to attack, although it is likely distributed using simple social engineering techniques, i.e. by persuading facility personnel to download the malicious file, for example by attaching it to emails containing add seemingly harmless content.

Maui does not automatically attack computer systems. The malware remains inactive until it is manually activated by the hacker, via a command line.

Once the hospital’s computer systems are infected, Maui acts like a municipality ransomware The files are encrypted with AES 128 encryption and the administration receives a ransom note. To get the decryption key, you have to pay a ransom in cryptocurrencies.

In these cases – the authorities explain – it is important that medical institutions invest in prevention, adequately protecting their most important data and regularly updating the backup units, which must of course be separated from the main network to prevent them from be endangered.

Once a joke, now North Korean hackers are terrorizing the world:

North Korean Hackers Used To Be A Joke, Now They Are One Of The Worst Global Threats

Source: Lega Nerd

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