If you’re a regular user of social media like Instagram, you’ve probably noticed that eating a “plant-based diet” has become very fashionable lately. But do you know what that means? The truth is that You also don’t have to be a descendant of William Shakespeare. understand it. Diet vegetable based on plants, that is, on the consumption of plant products.

So diets vegetable They have established themselves in recent years as a very successful dietary model and have been recognized by a large number of people who care about their health, the environment and animal welfare. It may seem that diets vegetable it’s another fad, an Internet fad that comes and goes over the years. But nothing is further from reality: plant-based diets they came to stay. His rise is more than obvious.

The doubt that many people follow this type of diet is whether there are vegetable it’s viable in the long run and great. Does this indicate a nutritional deficiency? Contrary to what people thought a few years ago, no. Plant based diets are goes well with health and science supports them as useful dietary models for maintaining health and even treating certain metabolic pathologies such as type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Don’t Worry About Iron, Protein or Calcium: Diets vegetable well-planned also allow you to get these nutrients without problems.

How is the diet vegetable

As we have already said, a plant-based diet is characterized by the consumption of most plant-based foods such as legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables or vegetables. With regard to animal products such as meat, fish and eggs, this does not mean that they are not consumed, but they take up less space in the shopping basket. Thus it turns out that no single diet vegetablebut many types of food can benefit from this definition.

Vegetarian diets, for example, are also included in the concept. vegetable. They are an exception food that causes the death of an animal, but in some cases, they may accept the intake of eggs or dairy products. Thus, in turn, groups are formed of ovo-vegetarians (they can eat eggs), lacto-vegetarians (they can eat dairy products), and ovo-lacto-vegetarians (they eat both eggs and dairy products). When we talk about dry “vegetarian”, it is usually associated mainly with the term “ovo-lacto-vegetarian”.

On the contrary, if we are talking about a vegan, we will be dealing with a person who rejects the consumption of products that imply the death of the animal, as well as its exploitation, excluding such products as eggs, dairy products or honey. That is the level premium vegetarianism. On the other hand, a person who is considered a vegan follows prescriptions that go far beyond food. Actually, Veganism is not a diet, it’s a way of life which rejects animal suffering in any of its formats. This means avoiding the use of clothing, cosmetics and other everyday items associated with animal suffering.

Lucia Martinez, author of Vegetarians with More Science, explains what the term “flexitarian” means.

Finally, we also find the concept of “flexitarianism” being used by some people who are on a diet. vegetable also including the timely consumption of animal products. Whether it’s just for Christmas, their birthday, or when they visit their mother and she surprises them with roast lamb. if we give extra turn We also find a “pescatarian” diet: that is, it does not include meat, but does include fish. For some specialists, the name “flexitarianism” is incomprehensible and gives rise to misunderstandings, as it is sometimes used as an excuse to confirm belonging to a group of vegetarians, but without fulfilling all its requirements. In any case – and regardless of the labels – flexitarianism is also postulated as an interesting and beneficial move for some people who want to switch to a 100% plant-based diet for ethical, environmental, or health reasons.

what does he eat vegetable what not

Eating vegetables is good for health and we have known this for a long time. It should not be news that the consumption of raw materials of plant origin, such as fruits, vegetables and vegetables, benefits the human body. But what happens to those products that are processed in the food industry to infinity and beyond? Of course everything It depends on the type of vegetables we consume. and how we do it.

It is ultra-processed vegan foods that have been booming lately. That is, alternative options for hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages, cuts and other products fast food but they do not contain ingredients of animal origin. Of course, these ultra-processed “vegan” foods are not a healthy option eat regularly as they are full of low quality ingredients such as salt, sugar, refined flour and low quality oils.

Analysis and tasting of vegan products in the only 100% vegetarian Burger King restaurant in Spain.

There is an example that illustrates this very well. This is the famous fast food chain Burger King, which started its path to vegetarianism last year with the opening of Spain’s only 100% vegetarian Burger King in Madrid. efforts Michelin and Lorza plant to open up the market and adapt to new trends in the food industry. Of course, these Burger King vegan products are just as healthy as their regular meat versions: without the fries, that is.

Basic foods in diets vegetable

The further we have ultra-processing, the better. It doesn’t matter if they are vegan or not. In this sense, a real diet vegetable where included real healthy food this is the one that includes the following raw materials on a regular basis:

  • Legumes: they are the main source of protein and provide us with essential amino acids. While not all legumes contain complete protein (that is, with all the essential amino acids), some, such as soy and chickpeas, do. Anyway, you don’t have to worry about it. As long as you regularly consume other food groups such as grains or nuts to supplement those deficient amino acids.
  • green leafy vegetables: Spinach, chard and kale are good examples of foods in this group. Not only do they contain an interesting amount of minerals and vitamins, such as folic acid, but they also complement calcium in the diet very well.
  • nuts: Almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts and hazelnuts contain healthy fats and a good percentage of protein. We also include here peanuts, which, although not a nut but a legume, are part of this group due to their traditional dry consumption.
  • whole grains: Foods like wholemeal bread and pasta have great health benefits due to the extra fiber they contain, as well as other beneficial compounds present in whole grains. When the grains are refined, these most interesting parts are lost.
  • seeds: Chia seeds, sesame seeds or golden flax are indispensable ingredients in dietary nutrition. vegetable for its contribution to healthy omega-3 fats, which are essential for our body.
  • Fruits and vegetables: foods not to be skipped in the diet vegetable. It is generally recommended to consume about 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, which is equivalent to about 400 grams, according to organizations such as the WHO. Thus, we use all the beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables. Among them: reduction in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in general, better glycemic control, as well as the prevention of various types of cancer, among many other benefits.

Source: Hiper Textual

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