The one who survived death of his dog he knows that it is possible to suffer, as with a human relative. And the worst thing is that on average they live infinitely less than us. Thus the company Loyalaimed at studying longevity in dogs, is working on the future development of drugs for increase life expectancy.
It should be said that it is too early to talk about achievements. They currently operate on two lines. One of them will be aimed at increasing life expectancy largest dog breedsYes, because they live the least. The other, on the other hand, would be for everyone and help them grow old with better quality of life.
So his research is focused on whether our furry friends can live. bigger and better with us. However, according to company statements collected IFLSciencethey hope that their conclusions can be extrapolated to humans. They still have a lot of homework ahead of them and the bells should not be launched on the fly, but this is an interesting job.
How long does a dog live?
It is difficult to ascertain how long a dog lives, mainly because the average is very dependent on the breed. The largest ones usually live from 8 to 10 years, and the average ones about 15 and the little ones can even reach two decades.
The Guinness World Record is currently held by an American Chihuahua named Toby Keith. He was entered into the famous book of records in March 2022, at the age of 21 years and 66 days. There is no record that he died, so he could have 22 years old.
But his case is somewhat exceptional. Dogs don’t usually live that long. And not because each of his years is equal to seven human years. Actually this is a myth. Just for genetic and metabolic problemstheir species is far less long-lived than ours.
Tools to live longer and better
Loyal decided to explore longevity in dogs for two reasons. On the one hand, precisely because they live less than people, the full cycle can be observed longer. It’s not the same as waiting 10 years to see how a large breed dog evolves, rather than 85 years following all the stages of human life.
On the other hand, since they animals highly valued by people. Who wouldn’t want their best friend to be by their side longer?
All this prompted them to start the two lines of research mentioned above. Both have different goals, but are based on the same question: epigenetic changes associated with dog aging.
What is epigenetics?
Epigenetics is the branch of genetics that studies changes in DNA. caused by the environment. The reason is that although we are born with a genetic set already written, the way it is read may vary depending on the environment in which we develop. We can think of this as a manual for a washing machine. Everything is written, but not everything will be read the same way. If we are responsible and do not try to do something by trial and error, before using it, we will read the main points of its work. But, for example, if we never have problems with the spin, we may not read the instructions that tell us what to do in case it does not spin.
The same thing happens with genes. Each of our cells has the same instructions written in their DNA. But not all of these instructions will be used consistently and in all cells. For example, eye cells have instructions for how to synthesize insulin; however, you do not need to read them there. They will be read only in the cells of the pancreas, where this hormone is synthesized. This is what is known as gene expression. The genes associated with this synthesis are expressed in pancreatic cells, but not in eye cells.
The expression is also depends on context and environmentbecause the instructions encoded in each gene are not always equally necessary.
This is what epigenetics analyzes. How, depending on the environment, certain genes can go out or flare up differently. It has been observed that genetic changes are often associated with something known as methylation. In other words, although the composition of DNA is always the same, fragments known as methyl groups can be attached to it. label genes for it turn it on or know turn offas needed.
And what does this have to do with aging dogs?
Loyal researchers, like other scientists who study aging, found that as the body ages change in methylation patterns. Actually there is computer models capable of determining the age of an organism simply by analyzing its DNA methylation.
This applies to dogs, humans, and virtually any organism. But because they specialize in dogs, they base their actions on these epigenetic changes. Its original purpose is to be able to perform animal aging tests. Outwardly, he may look more or less young, but we can get a much more accurate idea by analyzing him. at the molecular level. This allows for much more specific and targeted veterinary observations.
On the other hand, in the future they hope to receive drugs that will help increase life expectancy big dogs and improve health from older kids. They are currently piloting both projects but hope they will be available for 2024 and 2026 respectively.
In short, nothing is finished. We can’t increase our dog’s lifespan, what else do we need? However, perhaps in the future this will not be such a far-fetched thing. Perhaps not so many years from now, we will be able to help them live better and longer, and we will accompany them in the same way.
Source: Hiper Textual