Netflix will not allow more than share passwords of accounts? The Italians are not there and threaten to leave the service. This is apparent from a time2play survey, with a focus on our country and the habits of Italian consumers.

46% of the Italians surveyed claim to pay on their behalf. Paradoxically, a minority, because the other 54% watch TV series and movies via theaccount of a friend or family member

Regions with multiple shared accounts? Valle d’Aosta dominates the ranking with 95% shares, followed by Basilicata (95%), Liguria (94%), Puglia (90%) and Umbria (90%). The most ‘honest’ users can be found in Molise, where only 33% of accounts are used by multiple users. The penultimate in the standings is Friuli Venezia Giulia, where, however, the shared accounts would be no less than 70%. So not very little.

Sabrina Taddei, co-founder of BetterTogether, reached by La Repubblica, also speaks about the phenomenon of account sharing. “In 2016, Netflix was the only shared subscription in Italy,” he explains, “In 2022 it will be in the top 5 most shared subscriptions, a tangible sign of how much not only the competition, but also the shared subscription offer has grown” .

It is not surprising that in these hours Disney Plus has asked some of its subscribers to participate in a market survey on account sharing. Perhaps even the Mickey Mouse Empire, like Netflix, is considering blocking account sharing between friends and even strangers.

Coming back to the time2play survey, the Italians are already on the warpath. “What would you do if Netflix decided to block account sharing?” the poll asked. 71.2% of users declare they are willing to leave Netflix for once and for all.

Source: Lega Nerd

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