IN hypertext We’ve said it countless times: nothing can be healthier or safer because it’s natural. There are many examples, and now a study has been added to the list that shows that pregnant who are undergoing treatment Chinese traditional medicine are more likely to have abortions or have children with malformations.
The issue of pregnancy is complex. In some cases, they may prefer traditional medicine, whether Chinese or otherwise, to avoid chemical substances that could harm your child. But there is something that is not taken into account in these cases. On the one hand, everything natural is chemical. And, on the other hand, what is in modern medicine clinical trials know which compounds may be dangerous during pregnancy, while conventional medicine does not.
For this reason, and also because there are natural substances that can cause abortions or cause mutations in the fetus, it is most reasonable to resort to the help of modern medicine. This is a study that has just been published in Acta Obstetricia and Gynecologica Scandinavicais a good example of this.
Traditional Chinese medicine is not safe for pregnant women
For this study, the authors studied the case 16,751 women pregnant women are treated in hospitals in China. All of them had to answer a question about their attitude to traditional medicine. before and during pregnancywhose results were compared with the health of newborns.
Was 273 congenital malformations, of which a higher proportion was associated with women who had previously been exposed to traditional medicine. In fact, according to the researchers’ calculations, “fetuses exposed to TCM 2.1 times more often development of congenital malformations compared with those who were not exposed.
First of all, these effects were noted in those who resorted to two or more traditional medicines, and in those who took them in early pregnancy.
What causes these effects?
traditional medicine highly regarded in China. So much so that it must not be forgotten that the first effective cure for malaria was obtained after a chemist from this country devoted herself to the conscientious study of a large number of ancient treatises.
Now she was looking for active compounds that could have a therapeutic effect. He later analyzed its effects, including those that could be poor health. For this reason, the authors of this study argue that an in-depth study is needed for the use of traditional Chinese medicine by pregnant women. substances that are used. It is currently unknown what they are, but it seems that some may have teratogenic effects. That is, they are capable of causing malformations in the fetus.
There have also been cases in modern medicine. It is impossible to forget the case of thalidomide, which was used for treat nausea in pregnancy. But precisely because it was about modern medicine, the problem was localized, removed and measures were tightened so that it would not happen again. If you want to resort to traditional medicine, you should treat it the same way. Until that is done, it is a lottery that can go well, or very badly.
Some even say it can help improve fertility. But, as a rule, nothing more than the habits of a healthy lifestyle. This is the first step. Later, when pregnancy occurs, consult your doctor about everything before resorting to any folk remedies. Just because it’s natural doesn’t guarantee anything.
Source: Hiper Textual