consumption blueberry for prevention and treatment urinary infections This is a traditional remedy that has even become a medicine. However, over time, due to the lack of scientific data on its effectiveness, it was at best relegated to food supplement. This is the current situation, but that may change with a new review of the scientific literature, which provides interesting data on its effectiveness.

According to this study, which has just been published in the database cochraneHe cranberry juice It may help prevent urinary tract infections in women with recurrent cases, children, and people subject to previous medical procedures. Also, if juice alone is already effective, more concentrated supplements will be even better.

Investigation offered as reason to return blueberries to arsenal against urinary infections. However, it should be recognized that there are certain gaps in it that need to be taken into account.

Infectious headache with urination

Urine infection is caused growth of bacteria in the urinary tract. This can cause symptoms such as tingling when urinating, pain in the pelvis and pubic bone, frequent urination, or even blood in the urine. In some cases, fever may also occur, and if left untreated, the infection may spread to the kidneys.

This is very common in women. So much so that it is estimated that around a third will have at least one urinary tract infection in their lifetime. It can also occur in children and men, although the latter is less common. Anyone is susceptible, although some medical procedures, such as radiation therapy to the bladder, make infection even more likely.

In the case of women recurrent urinary infectionsWith. They are considered as such when two or more cases occur within 6 months or three or more within a year.

In some cases, these people must accept antibiotic prophylaxis. This is quite beneficial, but increases the chance of developing resistant bacteria. Therefore, other alternatives should be sought. Cranberry supplements have been considered a good option for many years. In Spain, they were even considered medicines. However, in 2018, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products decided to withdraw this designation and consider them simply food supplement. This was done due to lack of scientific evidence. It was the Cochrane Review that partly led to this bias. However, now a new review of this type provides new evidence in favor of eating blueberries to prevent urinary tract infection.

New evidence for blueberries

In this review, we analyzed a total of 50 clinical trialsin which they participated 8 857 patients. There were both women with cases of recurrent urinary tract infections, as well as children and people who were more vulnerable due to drug treatment.

They all took blueberries in the form juice, tablets or powder. Then, after a sufficient amount of time had elapsed, it was checked whether the likelihood of developing a urinary infection had decreased. And so it was in most groups.

When comparing the results with placebo, it was seen that both those who took cranberry juice and those who took the supplement reduced the chance of infection. The risk has decreased in more than a quarter women with recurrent infections more than a half in children and slightly more than half For people who can get UTIs after medical procedures.

Instead of, in pregnant women and the elderlytwo risk groups in which it is interesting to avoid antibiotics if possible, were not obtained corresponding results.

Rasa Kasparavicene (Unsplash)

outside of juice

The effectiveness of blueberries against urinary tract infection is based on their content in proanthocyanidins. These are substances that prevent the growth of bacteria. coli adhere to the walls of the urinary tract. Because the vast majority of infections are caused by this microorganism, they are considered highly beneficial compounds. What hasn’t been known until now is whether blueberry content would be sufficient.

According to one of the studies included in the review just published, it would be sufficient 36 mg of proanthocyanidins per day. In juice, you can’t control the amount, but you can in supplements. In addition, they come in two types on the market: those that contain only proanthocyanidins, and those that have a micronized matrix that is found to contain other beneficial substances of the fruit. This will increase the chance that the infection will be prevented.

However, at this stage it is important to take into account gaps in the study. It’s not just a lack of effectiveness in pregnant women and the elderly. It should also be noted that its effectiveness has not been compared with that of antibiotics or probiotics. Maybe these are better? Nobody saw this.

In addition, all this applies to the prevention of urinary infections. If this has already happened, antibiotics are still the best option. But it is clear that their consumption needs to be reduced, so blueberries can be a great ally. This is a pleasant surprise.

Source: Hiper Textual

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