Earth it is the only planet known to have life. Therefore, when searching for extraterrestrial life, it is logical to focus on planets similar to ours or that they at least revolve around stars like the Sun. Typically, these searches were conducted in individual star systems. However, a new study just published in Nature hand in hand with scientists University of Copenhagenindicates that binaries might be a good place to look.
Unlike individual systems such as our solar system, in binary systems the planets revolve around two stars. And it is the interaction between these two stars that creates the conditions that could make them interesting targets for the search for extraterrestrial life.
It should be noted that these scientists focused on data obtained from the analysis of only one of these systems. They did it thanks to Telescope ALMAfrom Chile, although they hope that soon James Webb Space Telescope, whose instrument tuning tasks are nearing completion. At the moment, with the information they have, there is reason to believe that its features can be extrapolated to other binary systems.
Modern telescopes for a better understanding of binary systems
Actually ALMA consists of 66 telescopes. that work in harmony. Thanks to them, these scientists were able to obtain very interesting data on NGC 1333-IRAS2A, a binary system surrounded by a disk of gas and dust.
Logically, a system can only be observed at a certain point in its evolution, for example, when we photograph a person. However, they also did computer model which gave data both about its previous stages and about what will happen later.
The combined gravity of the two stars affects the dust disk, causing material to fall on them.
All this allowed them to make sure that the disk of gas and dust does not move continuously. In periods from 10 to 100 years every 1000 years approximately, the movement becomes much stronger and the brightness of the stars increases. This, the authors of the study explain in a statement, is due to the fact that The combined gravity of the two stars affects the disk surrounding them, causing large amounts of material to fall on them. As a result, it generates great warm up which leads to an increase in brightness.
These phenomena are known as bursts and may influence the subsequent formation of planets around the binary system. And also to the possibility or not of what they can haven for extraterrestrial life.
Extraterrestrial life aboard a comet?
The ingredients for life are often known to travel aboard comets. This is due to the fact that they usually have a large number ice containing organic molecules. They do not necessarily have to give rise to extraterrestrial life on their own, but they are still necessary components for them.
Therefore, its influence on the forming planet may be important for this life to eventually appear on it. This is something that has already been known and has also been studied on planets orbiting individual stars. However, these scientists believe that the characteristic outbursts of binary systems could play a fundamental role in release of these molecules who travel on kites. “Heating caused by gusts of wind will cause evaporation of dust particles and surrounding ice. This could change the chemical composition of the material from which planets are formed.”
Bursts of binary systems can interact with comets loaded with organic molecules
In any case, this is still a hypothesis that needs to be carefully examined. In fact, this binary system analyzed by ALMA is too young to have its own planets. have to do more sightings in the future this and other systems, both with the Chilean telescope and with other instruments.
For example, he James Webb will be able to join very soon, and then AndLT (European Large Telescope) and S.K.A. (Array of square kilometers). If all goes well, both of you should be watching. by 2027So we’ll have to wait a bit. But the wait is worth it. And this is that the ELT will be the largest optical telescope in the world with a mirror of 39 meters and will be ready to observe exoplanet atmospheric conditions. As for the SKA, it will consist of thousands of telescopes located in Africa and Australia, and will allow directly observe large organic molecules.
Finally, to observe the organic molecules present in the ice of comets, it is necessary to have infrared telescope. That’s where James Webb comes into play, which is almost done. This will be a great team and will no doubt be of great help in finding the best targets in the search for extraterrestrial life. In the vastness of the universe, if we want to optimize the process, at least it is good to know where the telescopes should point.
Source: Hiper Textual