Dream about forming close relationships This is a more common theme than you can imagine, and arouse curiosity about the meaninghowever, it is important to note that dream interpretation is subjective and can change culture, personal experience, among others.

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The American Psychological Association states that dreams that often have close relationships are usually sexual energy, desire, emotional intimacy, or connection with someonewith particular emphasis should not be taken as a guess. or indicators of future events.

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Likewise, remember dreams are products of the subconscious and may reflect desires, anxieties, fears or past experiences. so sometimes dreams can be symbolic and represent deeper aspects of the psyche.

However, some experts in psychology and dream interpretation have suggested possible interpretations for such dreams.

– Expression of desires and feelings: Some psychologists mention that imagining close relationships may reflect unsatisfied sexual desires and needs, or feelings about intimacy and emotional connection.

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– Life and relationships metaphors: Dream interpretation experts make sure that dreams involving close relationships can be metaphors for other aspects of life and relationships, such as the need for greater emotional intimacy, the search for connection with other people, or the need to express one’s own sexuality.

It is important to note that these comments are general and do not apply to all situations. Every dream is unique and should be interpreted taking into account the personal context.the feelings of the dreamer and the personal experiences of the person experiencing it.


Source: Exame

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