Facebook, the world’s most popular social network, announced its new features that will be available to users in the coming days. This is a new tool that allows users to create and manage multiple profiles from a single account.

This innovation on the platform is similar to a feature that Instagram already offers, allowing users to create separate accounts based on their interests.

The new feature is only available for adult user accounts. Additionally, the company has established a basic rule: One must keep their real name on their main profile. However, you will have the option to choose a different name, such as a nickname, for additional profiles you create.

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The purpose of this restriction on the name is to prevent cases of identity theft and to guarantee the authenticity of the profiles. Facebook announced on its official blog: “additional profiles cannot impersonate others or be used to misrepresent your identity, including your age or location.”

Once additional profiles are created, they can be managed and deleted independently. Each will have their own friends list, like a news feed, making it easier to organize specific interests.

At launch, these extra profiles support messaging on the Facebook platform, but Messenger support is also expected to be integrated in the future. You won’t be able to access features like Appointments, Marketplace, Pro Mode, or payments during this first phase of this update.

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Facebook aims to give users more options to personalize their experience on the platform while ensuring the integrity and security of the online community

*This content was rewritten with the help of artificial intelligence, based on information published by La Nación, and reviewed by a journalist and editor.

Source: Exame

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