For two days, so-called Change Activists from an account on ‘X’ began broadcasting messages to their followers in the area. He joined the protest march on Thursday, February 8, to pressure the Supreme Court to choose a prosecutor from the shortlist sent by President Gustavo Petro.

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People respect each other, that’s why tomorrow, February 8, we will take to the streets again to respect democracy, the Constitution and the separation of powers.” among others.

But a tweet sent at 3:37 p.m., just as the Supreme Court justices were coming out to condemn, surprised members of the control organizations.“Violent and unlawful blockade” of the Palace of Justice after it became clear that the prosecutor was not selected in the second round of voting.

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#Right now We are still in the courthouse. The slogan is simple: Judges do not leave until the Supreme Court of Justice elects the new Prosecutor. NO ONE WILL LEAVE ME!!
#FiscalGeneralYA,” read the tweet that warned minutes earlier that media had arrived at Plaza de Bolivar to record the blockade of the Palace of Justice.

Quaver It was deleted seconds later but was recorded by citizens asking who was behind this group.

Followed account Historical Pact, members of the Government, members of the Democratic Pole, Gustavo Bolívar and Angélica Lozano appear to be open in August 2022 and have a linked mobile phone that leads to a WhatsApp channel with similar information.

Actually own President Petro sent greetings to them on the day the page was opened.

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As reported by media in the past Empty ChairIt is a digital collective that emerged, organized and managed after the Petro campaign in August 2022. by Catalan Xavier Vendrell.

It was also stated that it was created. Among these 20 former members of the presidential campaign who were aware of the process of obtaining election witnesses, to mobilize people in favor of Petro’s government.

He was in the group Andrés López is the current member of the Casa de Nariño communications team.

In communication with EL TIEMPO he explained: Activists for Change began as a network supporting election witnesses participating in vote recounts.

Originally called ‘Guardians of Change’‘. This was Xavier Vendrell’s team. It was a support network until the campaign ended. Later, a few young people remained activists, and the president gave them a blessing: ‘Let the young people be the ones who should check that the government is doing well.’Lopez explained.

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Regarding the message on the networks, which was later deleted, López stated that he was not aware of it: “If they wrote it, they should not have done it, it is completely wrong.”

And contrary to what other media shows, he emphasized: He is not one of the founders of ‘Change Activists’.

However, members of this network, through López, assured EL TIEMPO that many people had access to this account

The so-called digital collective, of which Vendrell is a sort of leader, has certain tasks, such as “public support for the government”. and sending WhatsApp and Telegram messages with such content.

(See all articles from EL TIEMPO Investigation Unit here)

​“#ThisTime We continue to resist in the courthouse. They tell us that the state repression that Galán sent will come here. Still, we continue here. #March #FiscalElectionNow“He recorded the same statement in his last trill.

In my government, spies are not allowed to attend marches for political purposes other than those of protesters. These people sent to blockade the Palace need to be thoroughly investigated. The order given to the police is to clear the doors respectfully but forcefully. Stain” President Petro said in a shaky voice at 4:41.

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Source: Exame

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