Social networks are one of the most popular ways to communicate with other people today. We find content from users that we constantly follow in them, and through comments we can interact with them.

For this reason Meta adds tools to Instagram comments over the years like emojis, specific replies to a person, and even GIFs (Graphic Interchange Format or Graphics Interchange Format in Spanish).


GIFs have gained popularity in recent years and it’s now common to see them on social networks, chats, emails and more. This tool has become a trend thanks to its ability to store several images in the same file, which allows you to create a short animation that lasts between 3 and 5 seconds and repeats endlessly.

Once you are in the app and select the post you want to interact with, click on the comments section and a text bar will appear at the bottom.

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Next to this bar you will find the option that says ‘GIF’ on the right side.. Click it and a search engine will appear where you need to type keywords on your preferred topic such as “laughter”, “congratulations”, “cry” among others.

This option is enabled to comment on photos, videos or reels. But, Only devices with Android operating system can accessso it doesn’t work on iOS phones.

Source: Exame

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