“I would wake up in the morning crying because my arms were dying,” one woman said. New York Times the consequences of their consumption New drug tranq circulating in the US and worries authorities because of its dire effects.

In 2021, the world was struck by the scale of the drug use problem in Philadelphia and other parts of that country after a video went viral in which several people were observed visibly worsening from narcotics, primarily drugs. fentanyl.

(In context: ‘They look like zombies’: video shows drug addiction in Philadelphia, USA.)

“Fentanyl is the deadliest drug threat facing our nation (…) ubiquitous. No community is safe from this poison, from major metropolitan areas to rural America,” said Anne Milgram, head of the Drug Enforcement Administration. DEA Fentanyl Awareness page.

Now there is a new warning among US authorities because they have found that it has been commercialized. a much more toxic drug that combines fentanyl with xylazine, a sedative only approved for veterinary use in the US.

substance known as keep calm, calm down drug or zombie medicineIt was first marketed in Philadelphia, but over time it spread throughout the region, causing a warning in California, where four deaths have been recorded from its consumption in recent months.

(Interested: United States: alarming increase in fentanyl overdose in adolescents).

“Xylazine, which has been reported to be an adulterant in a growing number of illicit drug mixes, has also been detected in a growing number of overdose strongholds,” the DEA’s report, “The Growing Threat of Xylazine and Its Mixture with Illegal Drugs,” published in October. 2022.

According to the document, they detected a combination of this tranquilizer with fentanyl, cocaine, heroin and other drugs. results in a deadly mix for which healthcare professionals have no antidote to reverse an overdose.

Smugglers use xylazine because according to the DEA it is not a regulated substance, therefore it is sold legally online and in veterinary pharmacies, and also effects last longer.


“At this low price, its use as an adulteration can increase illicit drug traffickers’ profits because its psychoactive effects allow them to reduce the amount of fentanyl or heroin used in a mix.”

The report states that tranquility can cause extreme drowsiness, hypertension, tachycardia, respiratory depression, and in general consumers develop raw wounds on soft tissues that turn into dead flesh crusts that look like burns.

Precise images.

(Also: Unusual methods Colombians use to camouflage drugs).

“They can lead to necrotic tissue that can cause amputation at higher rates than other non-xylazine-injected drugs,” the DEA report says.
Actually, an article New York Times records his testimony Tracey McCann, a woman who was seriously injured in her arms from this drugafter the skin in the injected areas begins to crust, smell and ooze.

Speaking to the American media, the woman said, “I woke up in the morning crying because my arms were dying.”

McCann, 39, resides in Kensington, the Philadelphia neighborhood hardest hit by the drug problem. He was kicked out of his home during the pandemic and started living on the streets where his addiction got worse.

(You can read: Cocaine and cannabis are the most consumed in Bogotá).

woman told New York Times to experience terrible things and he saw people with wounds caused by fainting covered with fleas and wormsHe did not recover from the drug.

Until one day the pain became so unbearable that he went to a clinic, where they treated his wounds and taught him how to change his bandages. There he encountered more people who were injured by fainting, and he made the decision to heal himself.

(Also: Overdose: What to do with a drug user and first aid).

Given the situation, the DEA warns that tranq “follows the same path as fentanyl,” making it a new threat.

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Source: Exame

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