Since its release in 2013, Telegram messaging platform It has become an alternative for those who are not satisfied with various WhatsApp services.. Many people prefer it as it allows you to create various group chats for up to 200,000 members.
Recently, several Telegram users complained about different random groups appearing without their consent. Unwanted invites and unaccepted messages have become the biggest drawbacks for some users. APPLICATION.
Here we will explain how you can fix problems. spam e-mailthrough some privacy settings, easily and simply.
(Of interest: Telegram online: this is how you can use the app on the web).
The communication medium ‘Hypertextual’, dedicated to the topics of science, culture and technology, explained in an article on Telegram how their appearance can be deciphered. chat.
The application, within its options, a setting that makes it possible to control contacts this can add you to unwanted groups.
Another alternative that the application offers is the ‘Add an exception’ option. There you can block people you want so they don’t include you in groups.
(Continue reading: Telegram Web: This way you can access the PC version of the app.)
If you often notice that a person if you are adding them to groups without permission, the easiest thing to do is to block them, so they don’t call you or send messages to your profile.
(Also: Telegram Founder Launches WhatsApp Alert: ‘Stay Away From That App’).
If you really want to make sure that you are not being added to any more Telegram groups without your permission, other than leaving that group by exiting the conversation, You can view the reasons and state your reasons directly.this way Telegram considers your opinion for future disturbances created by it. chat.
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Source: Exame