Now that the trend in the film industry is to expand franchises into narrative universes, star Wars keep building yours. A journey through the galaxy that began many years ago. One of the following to be counted is Ahsokastarring Rosario Dawsonon which you already have a new image.

Remembering: This series is inspired by the character Ahsoka Tano. The first news about this production appeared in 2020 during the Disney Investor Day event, when the production company announced that they would develop the story. Unlike some other projects that started with adaptations live action to later have your own series, way Ahsoka it was different.

This character first appeared in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He was later seen again in Star Wars Rebels. Ahsoka Tano was under the robe Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), who later becomes Darth Vader. After a series of events, this relationship is broken, and La Fuerza suffers various fractures. In this context, she formed as an independent warrior.

New look Ahsoka

In addition to appearing in animated format, the transition to live action Ahsoka Tano takes place in the second season The Mandalorianwhen Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) runs into her. True to the story developed so far, she continues to travel and develop on her own. Why is this background relevant? This will be the starting point for the character series.

plot Ahsoka It will focus on one goal: the main character to find Grand Admiral Thrawn. This search will serve as an excuse to explore some of the character’s past. Most likely, like the others, it will later be integrated into some other franchise offering. star Wars. Next, we split the image passed to Total films:

This series is part of a time where Disney is exploring multiple stories in a TV format. In this sense, the most recognized product is The Mandalorianwith three seasons and Boba Fett bookwhich served as a kind of preface to the third part The Mandalorian. In particular, in the case Ahsokais that it is a character that is preceded by animated adaptations.

What does the above imply? For some time now, the character of Rosario Dawson has been positioned in the imagination of the followers of this narrative universe. Ahsoka It will be available to enjoy via Disney+ from August 23, 2023..

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Source: Hiper Textual

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