AhsokaThe new Star Wars series will be the first project led by Rosario Dawson, which brings one of the most beloved characters of the galactic saga closer to the real image. The actress made her debut in The Mandalorian and now he will give the heroine her own project live actionwhich will be released on Disney+ on August 23, after such animated series as clone wars or Star Wars Rebels.

Like those Ahsoka born from the mind Dave Filoni, creative director at Lucasfilm. It was he who created the character and has been leading him by the hand for 15 years now. “Heir George Lucas“, as he was dubbed by the fans, writes the script for all episodes of the series and, in addition, is responsible for directing the first and fifth. After working in The Mandalorianthis production is his great litmus test before he takes the reins in one of the next three Star Wars movies that will close Mandovers.

Filoni is a screenwriter who likes to take his time telling things. In the long run, this has always worked in his favor. clone wars And rebels These are the two works of the saga that are most appreciated by the public. and recent Jedi Chronicles It also received very good recognition. But in series with longer episodes and the limitations of live action compared to animation, the director will require his viewers to take a bold step of faith.

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Created by Dave Filoni, the new Star Wars series brings back the most classic tone of the galactic saga. In addition, it will be a great continuation of the fourth season of Star Wars Rebels, which will delight its fans. However, this can also cause problems for those who are not familiar with this animated sentence. The best is in Filoni’s own direction, in his powerful soundtrack and, above all, in Natasha Liu Bordizzo, who plays the flawless Sabina Wren. The series has a lot of potential to end on a high level.

Rating: 4 out of 5.


Ahsokatest for casual fans

The first point to be commented on Ahsoka is the most obvious. Characters do not start from the starting point. It’s not that that’s bad in and of itself. But this is a huge hurdle when it comes to attracting new followers. The series was marketed as a fifth season of sorts. Star Wars Rebels. Filoni always wanted to continue this story, and in order to do so, he introduced several of its main characters – and even the great villain – into Ahsoka.

rebels it ended with a fourth season that left the door open to a future that was much less hopeful then than it is now. One of its main characters, a young Jedi. Ezra Bridgerdisappeared in hyperspace along with evil Grand Admiral Thrawn. Over the years, fans have come up with many theories about whether Ezra and Thrawn are still alive and where they might be. In the last scene of the series Ahsoka met another main character, the Mandalorian Sabine Wrento search for them.

And in the new series, there is no time to waste. From the first minute, the plot focuses on this mission. It’s not something that happens on the side, it’s the central axis Ahsoka. For this reason, followers rebels they will greet it with much more love, as they appreciate the true meaning of this story for the universe. star Wars. And they will probably like to see their favorite characters in real action as children, as if time has not passed. But anyone who doesn’t know who these heroes and villains are and what their context is will feel very lost. At least in the beginning. This is where the patience of the audience must show until they get acquainted with some references that surpass them. Filoni he takes on a huge risk that can play a cruel joke on him.

uneven rhythm

And this is precisely the risk, because it is the screenwriter who always speeds up a little. Ahsoka He may have less incentive than necessary to participate in the first two episodes, which premiere on August 23, 2023 on Disney+. Here we are no longer in 20-minute chapters in which everything is happening feverishly. The series begins with an episode lasting almost an hour. And his tone notices it. Everything is very solemn, very thoughtful, slow. The idea is to give these new followers time to master a story that is foreign to them.

To keep it from getting boring, Filoni adds a hefty dose of lightsaber combat and superb action sequences to the game. star Wars. However, the feel is not as compact as it seems. The constant ups and downs of the rhythm can frustrate those who are not too interested in the approach, precisely because of the difficulty of sticking to a series that is so dependent on others not yet seen. To counteract, yeah Filoni he takes control of the pilot. And he does it with a note.


The action is dynamic, epic. And slower episodes are shown through effective image composition. Each plane is perfectly measured, to which is added a huge soundtrack, very reminiscent of John Williams. And despite being the longest episode, it also gives it a much better pace than the second, which shows the show’s weaknesses. Ahsoka much more obvious. This Chapter Director Steph Green, it has some very strong scenes, but overall it’s much flatter and less interesting. In any case, Filoni will return fifth, so everything seems to point to a turning point in the season from now on.

Natasha Liu Bordizzo, star signing

Another big positive note Ahsoka It’s in your deal. But not in Dawson, which is not surprising, but in Natasha Liu Bordizzo. The Australian actress had a difficult mission – to give life to such a charismatic and beloved character as Sabine Wren. Already in a couple of scenes, it becomes clear that the decision to sign a contract with her is a great success.

Sabina is a woman who, despite her youth, has lived a long time. Too much. His life was marked by the sovereignty of the Empire, the destruction of his planet Mandalore, and the death or disappearance of some of his closest people. All this makes her a character with a very dramatic background, which is noticeable in the film’s long silent scenes. Bordizzo, who is not averse to looking into infinity, reflecting all sorts of thoughts. But Sabina also built a huge fortress. She is not afraid to fight and is also very sarcastic and ironic. Every word and every gesture of the performer makes her an ideal Sabina.


Along with this huge letter of recommendation, the rest of the cast Ahsoka I can’t stand out that much. The deceased deserves special mention. Ray Stevensonwho plays one of the villains with great restraint and honesty. On his side stands out too Ivanna Sakhno as his student, with a much more quirky and impulsive role. Mary Elizabeth Winsteadi.e. Hera Syndulla, so far complies, as does Dawson, but in the first two episodes he does not have a single scene in which he can show his full talent.

Ahsoka This is the most classic Star Wars ever.

Eat Ahsoka something that will thrill longtime Star Wars fans. The one that started with episode IV and that after the original trilogy, it morphed into a lot of other things. Some good, some not so good. In the new series, Lucasfilm is trying to return to this essence. To this struggle between good and evil. Without unnecessary plot lines that could enrich the narrative, but with a galaxy full of problems and dangers. like the one you found Luke Skywalker when he first left Tatooine.

Because if there’s one thing that defines Filoni, it’s his endless enthusiasm for the franchise. Creativity is, first of all, fan number 1 star Wars. And that’s why he knows exactly which keys to play, which is a great pleasure for the most devoted fans of the saga. The intentions become quite clear as soon as the first series begins, which he himself shoots. The first minutes are an obvious tribute to the beginning of everything, the beginning New Hope. And from there it builds on well-known foundations. Master-apprentice relationships, space maps, air battles, droids, free spirits buried in meaningless galactic politics… And, of course, the Force and lightsabers.


These are the ideas that formed the basis of all sagas for decades. Anyone who has seen Star Wars will immediately understand what they are talking about. Because, despite such commendable experiments as tenacious and sophisticated AndorThe focus of the purest Star Wars hasn’t been proletarian struggles or the internal battles of its characters. Yes, all this existed, but it was the basis.

Above was a story about defeating evil and its outlandish and extraordinary weapons, about the quasi-religious mysticism of the Jedi… about the friendship of a group of friends going on space adventures. And it’s in Ahsoka, who distances himself from him only by the fact that the tone here is too solemn. A little more humor is missing from time to time, and this task seems to fall solely on the shoulders chopper And in Huyan.

Summing up, Ahsoka this is a series that fans Star Wars Rebels they have been waiting for years. A product made with love Filoni it has a saga and its characters. However, this may go against the grain of not counting viewers less well versed in the galactic canon. For this, a slow, unhurried and solemn rhythm is printed, which does not always work as it should. In any case, the first chapter is sensational, promising a season that should develop gradually until it reaches a stunning finale.

Source: Hiper Textual

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