Russo brothers They think they shouldn’t worry too much about what Robert Downey Jr. come back like Tony Stark/Iron Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In a recent interview with Gaming radardirectors Avengers: Infinity War And Avengers: Endgame they made it clear that they see the impossible the Oscar-winning actor’s return after the events of the 2019 film.

When asked about recent comments from Robert Downey Jr., who admitted earlier this month that he would “lovely” return to the Marvel Studios saga, Anthony and Joe Russo were emphatic. They said they didn’t understand how something so important could be captured on the big screen.. At least not without undoing important events that shaped the franchise.

“I don’t know how they could do it or what the path to it might be. We closed the book, so it’s on them.” [por Marvel Studios] find a way to reopen it,” the Russo brothers indicated. The filmmakers’ case is compelling, given the emotional charge that Tony Stark’s sacrifice led to defeating Thanos in the final battle. The final.

Obviously, the words of Robert Downey Jr. They confused the Russo brothers, as the death of Iron Man marked the end of a scene that would change superhero cinema forever. Rumors that the translator might return to the FMC had been circulating for a long time, but they did not have much significance. But everything has changed since the artist left the door open for a possible return.

Is there a real chance that Robert Downey Jr. will return as Tony Stark/Iron Man?

If you don’t remember, Robert Downey Jr. spoke about his career in an interview with the publication Esq. and he didn’t shy away from the question of whether he would consider returning as Tony Stark/Iron Man now that he has an Oscar under his arm. The actor said he would do it “with joy” and praised Kevin Feige, head of Marvel Studios.

“[Tony Stark/Iron Man] It’s too much a part of my DNA. This role chose me. And listen, I always say: never, ever bet against Kevin Feige. It’s a losing bet. He is home. “He always wins,” he said then.

Words by Robert Downey Jr. they set the site on fire and gave free rein to all sorts of fan theories. The creative ones say Marvel might bring him back. Avengers 5 or Avengers: Secret Warsalong with other performers from the original Avengers to stage a coup d’état at the end of Phase 6 and the Multiverse saga.

Of course, these hypotheses establish that it would not be Tony Stark/Iron Man from Earth-616 who died after his battle with Thanos. but an option from another universe. This is pure speculation at this point. The one thing Kevin Feige has made clear in the past is that under no circumstances will a superhero’s death be undone. The final. This option is not being considered and will never be discussed.

“We’re going to preserve this moment and not touch it again. We’ve all worked really hard for years to get to this point and we would never want to magically undo it,” he said. Vanity Fair in 2023. Let’s see how history goes, but for now the Russo brothers they don’t believe in the possibility of Robert Downey Jr. returning.

Source: Hiper Textual

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