For better or worse, Novice will go down in Star Wars history despite its abrupt cancellation. Not only because of the controversy it generated among diehards fandom belonging Space opera most beloved in cinema. At the same time, for its exploration of canon that showed the franchise still had much to offer. However, the series, which was supposed to be a fresh take on the High Republic, ended up being a disappointment. With controversy – and not always for the better – surrounding the production’s approach to traditional aspects of the franchise, even the way they present their characters.
The truth is that the newest addition to Disney’s Star Wars universe has fallen out of favor with fans too quickly for many reasons. From a brutal review bomb to controversy surrounding its translators, the series has demonstrated some fundamental points beyond that. On the one hand, George Lucas’s saga needs to be updated and adapted to a new context. At the same time, a franchise that is growing bigger all the time needs to ask itself some questions about how to bring all the stories to a new generation of subscribers.
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To analyze all these points of view, we leave you with three reasons why: Novice It shouldn’t have been cancelled. From the way it reimagined the Jedi to its interesting exploration of the Force, there are plenty of reasons to at least want a fitting conclusion to a story that showed it had far more ambition than its plot suggested. That makes it a milestone – both negative and positive – for one of Disney’s most important intellectual properties.
The enormous possibilities he showed
Despite its sudden cancellation, Novice had the opportunity to study some interesting points which deserved at least a wider study than was done. The High Republic was shown from a new point of view, but moreover, it was analyzed in all political strata.
Beyond the vision of the evil that was beginning to corrupt the period of glory of galactic democracy, the series was interested in other, more subtle aspects. Thus, by establishing that the Senate and everything that surrounded the great organizations of power were not exempt from error. This possibility opened the door to the possibility of deepening the concept of corruption beyond the binary good and evil of the saga. And especially, give more weight to stories in which ethics characters will become more relevant.
A New Look at the Jedi
All of this has led to a reconsideration of the image of the Jedi, which even in their absence has always been explored, in the glorious memory of their heyday. In particular, how their power – and then influence over important decisions – made them much more influential characters. more complete and complex than they had been shown so far.
Of course, there’s no shortage of explorations of the dual nature of the Jedi in the expanded canon, not to mention falls to the dark side. But Novice dared to go beyond many productions live action franchise. This is while exploring the ambiguity of the lightsaber knights and especially the fact that his knowledge of the Force did not exempt him from making mistakes. More human than tragic, Although they were powerful and fallible, the Order’s image became more interesting and reached a more mature level.
All about the Force
The Star Wars franchise — at least on the big and small screens — has always shown aspects of the Force from a basic perspective. There are the Jedi, whose loyalty and devotion to the Order’s creed allows them to explore its most legendary aspects. And then there are the Sith Knights, who have fallen to the dark side due to their lust for power. the need for control and unbridled greed.
Novice He stepped aside and delved into the Force as an element as natural as the planets and stars. But especially at the disposal of – and in what way – beings throughout the galaxy who might commune with its sinister qualities. A topic that is again not completely original, but for the first time focused on its many nuances.
So while the Jedi made errors in judgment, made blunders, and were carried away by their emotions, the series presented a Sith who was more than just an evil person. Quimir (Manny Jacinto) was capable of killing and did so with relative nonchalance, but he was also capable of pain, suffering, and asking himself questions of deep philosophical depth. All of which made him one of the highest points Novice, and for which another season would be worth it.
Dive into the saga in dozens of important details
From the suggestion that Darth Plagueis, shown in a very brief cameo, to Yoda’s final appearance, which he hinted could be said to have been made by the famous teacher before Order 66. Novice knew how to include all kinds of elements that went deeper with Be careful in the Star Wars canon. He did this too, giving it a fair amount of weight and interest.
From Idol’s bone-like helmet to the possibility of different shapes and uses for lightsabers. All while showing for the first time the interiors of the Coruscant Jedi Temple in the midst of everyday situations. Even explore the mysterious facets of the Force. A controversial point in the literary canon, directly related to the prequels.
The series has not missed the opportunity to provide space for a number of intriguing data points about the nature of its characters’ powers. Much more to provide its history withnew and refreshing elements about everything Star wars I can offer.
Source: Hiper Textual