Reaches cinemas Flowsound animation film Letona, which managed to make a place among the best titles of all 2024. The film premiered in the United States, Latin America and other territories several months ago and has dazzled audiences. Now it’s Spain’s turn to discover this Joya, not so hidden from the cinema. Its excellent endorsement is the recent Golden Globe for Best Animated Film, beating excellent productions such as Moana 2IN Inside 2 or great favorite, Wild robotField Now he points to the 2025 Oscars.
Flow This is a film without dialogue, but that doesn’t make it silent. Viewers follow a small cat on an epic adventure for a post-political world in which people have disappeared. There are no words, but there are meows, barks, granidos and all kinds of animal sounds of the most diverse variety that cross the protagonist’s journey. The great trigger in the story comes when, one day like any other, the cat must survive a flash flood that covers the entire planet. To do this, he seeks refuge on a ship with a group of other creatures with whom he will have to learn to live together.
Flow, world to save
The winner of the Golden Globe 2025 for Best Animated Film, as well as many other prizes and recognitions of great prestige around the world, reaches Spanish cinemas. Flow This is a unique, different and colossal offering. The foreshadowing of independent animation, which is drunk with very deep feelings, exceeding their impressive visual level. A very original title, full of heart.
Impressively beautiful
No dialogue Flow This allows the audience to focus all their attention on how the film is created from the visual and its sound design. The film becomes an impressive sensory show where each element is more amazing than the last. Director Jints Zilbodis He uses a very specific animation that combines 2D and 3D with excellent artistic and aesthetic taste. His scenes have an almost cinematic look from a video game. This is complemented by an exquisite soundtrack and excellent work regarding all the sounds that fill the screen of nature.
Something that makes even more sense thanks to his fantastic argument. It is obvious that when referring to the project the director used references such as teacher Hayao Miyazaki and his studio Ghibli. Flow Mix naturalistic issues with science fiction and fantasy, but always seek the most humanistic approach. Something radical and unexpected in a film that bases its universe on the extinction of every human on the planet.

The result of this type of unscripted animation and its world building is excellent. Flow It shows from the first moment a strong personality that radiates from the screen with a non-cancerous hypnotism. Every scene has something new in a world without people but overflowing with life. For this alone, without going into details of your story, it is already worth paying to be included in the film. It would give the same thing if it were a documentary, the sense of wonder would remain the same.
Let’s look no more
To beautiful packaging Flow Luckily, you have to add a narration that also functions as a clock. It’s not a particularly complex story, but it’s very effective. A group of marginalized misfits to take care of each other and survive. Most striking is the way in which Zilbodis Refer to your characters. Because the easy, traditional thing would be to give them human behavior.

It doesn’t even need to be said, like in Disney films. But we can expect them to have humanized behavior. Obviously Flow You need to do some concessions in order for the story to progress (as you learn to navigate the ship). But 90% of the time they act like what they are: animals. The cat is nervous, curious and distrustful. The capybara is slow and carefree. The lemur is vain and a cheater. And the huge bird is arrogant. This is who they should be if we are in real life. The study of animal behavior in the film is remarkable.
There lies great virtue FlowField The director can introduce us to a world with our absence and characters who have nothing in common with us. And yet, morality tells us about understanding and accepting different things. About the importance of caring for each other in an increasingly hostile and challenging world. If they can, we should too. It’s not a revolutionary message, but its approach is so successful that it’s impossible not to feel emotion and empathy for all of its main characters.

To sum it up, Flow It is an extremely moving apocalyptic fantasy fable and visually stunning. A story that emphasizes union in times of tension and distance. It needs no words to offer the most profound and faith-based dialogues of the year. An impossible experiment in the role that materializes in an ode to life that will be passed on to all generations.
Source: Hiper Textual