Despite the last season of Game of Thrones Aired in 2019, the HBO show is the most illegal TV series of 2022. This has been determined by the site, which listed both the most illegal movies and series of this year in a piracy report.
Game of Thrones is in first place with 8560 monthly searches, while in second place is Euphoria which has collected 7960 searches, and in third place is the cult Friends, which has reached 5060 searches.
Further back we find shows like Family Guy, Attack of the Giants, Peaky Blinders, The Office and Breaking Bad. The number of Game of Thrones searches will likely have influenced the recently announced spin-off series House of the Dragon and the one about Jon Snow.
As for House of the Dragon, the show’s airing is close as it will air on HBO in the United States at the end of August, while in Italy it will air simultaneously on Sky on August 22.
Meanwhile, when it comes to Game of Thrones novels, George Martin has stated that the last two books will be vastly different from the controversial TV series finale.
Source: Lega Nerd