Maintaining coherence in a movie saga of the size of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with twenty-nine films and seven television series to date, is no easy task. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, who is leading the story, decides where it will go and looks for it. And I must admit that shrimp is not supposed to be much. But we understand that no one is perfect. D Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) ratifies it.

Not because New Zealand director Taika Waititi and co-writer Jennifer Caitin Robinson didn’t hit the bull’s-eye with their genuinely witty humor. No why Thor: Love and Thunder Yes, he is as funny as the previous one, Thor: Ragnarok (2017). If not because of what happens when the god Rapu dies in the first sequence, the introduction of Gorr as the villain of the fourth adventure starring Odin’s son evokes franchise problem.

Christian Bale character drowning necrosword, recently discovered in the divine body of Rapu, played by Johnny Brug, to avenge the terrible tragedies caused by his total recklessness. The latter called her and disintegrates into golden particles right at the start Thor: Love and Thunder. And the same thing happens with the main god of Asgard, Odin, who was revived by Anthony Hopkins, in Thor: Ragnarok. Saying goodbye, he dissolves into molecules that can be called golden.

Thor: Love and Thunder: Other gods didn’t die the same way

Marvel Studios

This also happens with Falligar the Giant and Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster as the Mighty Thor. And it will mean to the audience that the circumstances of Odin’s demise were not unique to him, it is something they experienced. the gods during the transition to another area. Zeus played by Russell Crowe. Thor: Love and ThunderHe doesn’t suffer because Chris Hemsworth’s superhero doesn’t charge him. But yes, those he fights against in Omnipotence City.

The difficulty is that Others of their kind saw themselves in this trance and did not disintegrate in the same way. what in Thor: Love and Thunder. AT Thor: The Dark World (2013), Christopher Eccleston’s Malekith kills Frigga, wife of Odin and mother of the Thunder God, played by René Russo. But he doesn’t turn to gold dust until after his funeral. And, at the beginning Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Thanos kills Tom Hiddleston’s Loki and Idris Elba’s Heimdall. And only their corpses remained.

Also during the first season of Loki, series about the God of Mischief and What if…? (as of 2021) several variants of two false Asgardian brothers also perish. And no traces of gold evaporation. Whatever the case, we can only point out that Kevin Feige and his writing team at Marvel should take care of it. give us a logical explanation. Because if they don’t, it will remain a plot hole. Thor: Love and Thunder.

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Source: Hiper Textual
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