After joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, artist Harry Styles has denied his imminent participation in another great franchise: We’re Talking About Star Wars. Same during an interview with Rolling Stone Harry Styles it was categorical.

These are his statements:

I think this is my fifth time hearing about this, and all I can say is it’s all false rumours.

Styles also spoke about his interest in acting, something that only touches him to a certain extent.

I think there will come a time when I really want to do it – he said – but when you make music you are in the middle of something that happens. Feel so much creativity feeding you. While a lot of the work that has to do with acting is doing nothing and waiting. This is the worst part, and beyond that I can say everything else is a good job. But it’s not something that completely satisfies me. I like to do it at certain times, but I don’t want to do it often.

Recall that Harry Styles recently appeared in Eternals.

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Source: Lega Nerd

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