Comedy with an unmistakable British humour, it starts with the 2017 short film of the same name and before that with the theatrical performance of the two protagonists, David Earl and Chris Hayward, Brian and Charles arrives in theaters on August 31, distributed by Lucky Red and Universal Pictures International Italy: today we show you the official photo gallery of the film.

Who doesn’t want a custom best friend that fits their needs perfectly? This is what Brian, the main character of Brian and Charles, must have thought, played by David Earl, an English comedian many have appreciated in the series After life, while in the costume of the robot is Charles Chris Hayward, with the support of the producer Rupert Majendie, to which the vocal distortion is due.

Short content:
After a particularly harsh winter, Brian falls into a deep depression; Completely isolated and with no one to talk to, Brian does what any normal person would do in such a melancholic situation. Build a robot.

Source: Lega Nerd

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