Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum Mania, the film that opens the fifth phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, already has its first trailer. With Paul Rudd as Scott Lang, Evangeline Lilly as Hope van Dyne and Jonathan Majors as Kang the Conqueror, this is not only a stage-breaking production, but a film that promises to change the story. On October 24 this year, the first trailer was shown.
Much of that anticipation comes from Jonathan Majors’ role as Kang the Conqueror.. This is the main villain around which many conflicts will revolve within the fifth and sixth phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Although his storytelling debut came in the first season loki, Under the name “the one who remains” it was just one of the expected character options. This first trailer Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum Mania already reveals some of its influence on history.
During the latest edition of Comic-Con 2022, the first trailer images for Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum Mania. During October the possibility that a preview will be presented before each feature Black Panther: Wakanda Forever like a rumor. While it’s still feasible as part of a movie promotion strategy, you can already enjoy this preview.
Trailer Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum Mania
Scott Lang is a key character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe due to his relationship with the Quantum Realm. His influence on Avengers: Endgame It was important for a group of superheroes to be able to travel through time, collect infinity stones, and undo Thanos’ snap. This background can explain a lot about the current state of the character proposed in the first trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum Mania.
Currently in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Scott Lang is a famous podcast host. In addition to being a superhero, he is an influencer with the ability to reach multiple audiences. This, all the fame associated with this reputation, would apparently upset his ego and directly affect his family relationships, which would be immersed in the quantum realm. This is one of the axes around which the film will rotate.
Another of them will be Jonathan Majors and his interpretation of Kang the Conqueror. During Loki, “one who stays” commented that he was an option capable of holding others back, much more aggressive and uncompromising than him.. While it’s too early to tell what version it will be, this first trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum Mania already offers hints about it.
premiere Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum Mania scheduled for February 17, 2023.