The Internet is a place where some people take advantage of anonymity and/or distance communication to express I hate comments. Periodically, public figures become victims of this unfortunate situation. As for the actors specifically, they have recently been subjected to pointless criticism due to the fact that part of the audience does not agree with the choice of the cast. Unfortunately, series Last of usabout which we have already shared our criticism, was not free from these problems.
When was it announced who would play the roles of Ellie and Joel in the series Last of us, did not wait for negative reviews. Part of the public noted that Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey They don’t look like video game characters.. As if the physical aspect was the only thing that mattered when trying to create an adaptation…
While these kinds of accusations are commonplace in many productions, there comes a time when some people decide to cross the line into shameful territory. That is, they begin to perform personal attacks against actors. Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey unfortunately had to deal with hate losers in need of attention.
In an interview with New York TimesBella Ramsey admitted that the negative comments about being cast as Ellie in Last of usThey really influenced her. Even she felt insecure and wondered if accepting the role was the right decision.
“This is the first time I’ve had a negative reaction to anything. There were times when I found it amusing. After a 10 minute screen scrolling session, I would put my phone down and say, “Maybe that was a bad idea.”
Bella Ramsey
Bella Ramsey still doesn’t fully accept herself as Ellie
In the case of Pedro Pascal, his extensive career in Hollywood has undoubtedly given him enough experience to handle moments like this. Without that sense, of course, that you have to endure them.
However, when personal attacks are directed at the actress, who is only 19 years old, things change. Bella Ramsey is famous in the world of television. His preeminent role as Lianna Mormont in Game of Thrones catapulted his fame and career. Of course, she didn’t expect that landing her first major lead role would also mean she would be the target of hurtful messages.
The good news is that Bella Ramsey is undoubtedly backed by loved ones and production members. Last of usstarted to move forward. Of course he admits that there is still some uncertainty in your head.
“I recently admitted that I am Ellie, that I can do this and that I am a good actress. But it will last a few weeks, and then I will again think that I am terrible. process.”
Bella Ramsey
Creators Last of us They were clear from the start
Notwithstanding the foregoing, for persons responsible for Last of us there was never any doubt that Bella Ramsey should play Ellie. Neil Druckmann, showrunner for the series and one of the inspirations behind the video game, said: “We were looking for a certain combination of contradictions: someone who could be funny and outlandish, violent and rough.”
And then he saw Bella Ramsey’s audition video. After that, Druckmann understood this; I found the main character. “I didn’t see Bella act like Ellie, I saw Ellie”he pointed out.
Last of us It premieres January 15 (Spain 16) exclusively on HBO Max.
Source: Hiper Textual