looking for company professional profiles Economics, Administrative Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering. In some cases, it is also requested. graduate Finance, Capital Markets, Economics, Business, Mathematics or Statistics

Offers are intended for Bogotá residents and interested professionals directly contacts of the company making the offer.

Remember this for the hiring process no middleman neededYou will also not have to send money to bank accounts.

(Continue reading: Compensar Employment Agency will offer opportunities abroad).

If you are a professional in Economics, Administrative Sciences, Social and Humanities, Engineering and/or related careers, have a good level of English and have experience in: Data Analytics, artificial intelligence, process automation.

You can apply for this vacant position by clicking here. The offered salary is $6,138,000 with an indefinite term contract.

(Also: Sena: Looking for Colombian workers at a company in Quebec, Canada)

Ecopetrol is looking for professionals in the fields of Economics, Administrative Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering and/or related careers.

For this position you will need to have eight years of experience and a Master’s degree in Supply Chain Management, Supply Logistics, Business Administration and/or related fields.

Click here to apply. A monthly salary of $1,571,000 and an indefinite contract.

(Continue reading: Job offers in Colombia: this is how you can apply for open jobs).

Finally, if you are a professional in Economics, Management and Accounting, Engineering, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, plus a master’s degree in Finance, Capital Markets, Economics, Business, Mathematics or Statistics, you can apply for .

You can apply for this vacant position by clicking here, the monthly salary is $11,571,000 and they offer an indefinite term contract.

There is employment: supermarket chain seeks 50 inexperienced cashiers

If you are in Monteria, these job offers may interest you

There is a job gap of 20 thousand people in Sena

Source: Exame

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I am Bret Jackson, a professional journalist and author for Gadget Onus, where I specialize in writing about the gaming industry. With over 6 years of experience in my field, I have built up an extensive portfolio that ranges from reviews to interviews with top figures within the industry. My work has been featured on various news sites, providing readers with insightful analysis regarding the current state of gaming culture.


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