Apple launched this week The first software development kit (SDK) for Vision Professionalthe company’s mixed reality headset.
From these tools, game and application creators can work on original projects or adaptations for the “space experiences” of the new operating system, the Apple platform. visions.
The idea behind the platform is to allow the user to interact with digital content in a physical space using intuitive eye movement commands, voice commands or simple hand gestures. Additionally, apps will take the person’s entire field of view as their field, but they won’t need to separate them from their surroundings.
As for projects, Apple expects to launch apps in productivity, design, games, and many other categories. In July of this year, the cities of Cupertino (in California, where the company is headquartered), London, Munich, Shanghai, Singapore and Tokyo will receive open development labs for creators to test their apps on a Vision Pro.
That way, they can get real-time and face-to-face support from engineers in the field, as well as making sure the experience works as it should.
In the coming months, it will also be possible to order development kits with hardware that helps test the Apple Vision Pro, replicating a complete consumer experience.
Step by step
According to Apple, development for visionOS could begin with already traditional frameworks from programmers in the region. x code, SwiftUI, reality kit, ARKit This test flight. In a second moment, it will be possible to use certain and more specific tools. Reality Composer ProIt helps with portability to 3D environments and new features of the headset such as immersive sound and full use of field of view.
For example, Apple states that its educational apps in Medicine are currently in the advanced stages of development. Complete HeartX (has ultra-realistic models of the human heart) or with Music djayfaithfully replicates professional equipment.
how to start
To access the VisionOS SDK, you must have an Apple Developer Program account — click here to learn more and sign up.
Apple Vision Pro will be released in early 2024, with no specific date yet set by the company. At launch, the headset will retail for US$3,400 (around R$17,000 in direct currency conversion) and is yet to be confirmed for the Brazilian market.
Source: Tec Mundo

I am a passionate and hardworking journalist with an eye for detail. I specialize in the field of news reporting, and have been writing for Gadget Onus, a renowned online news site, since 2019. As the author of their Hot News section, I’m proud to be at the forefront of today’s headlines and current affairs.