A recent study by teams at the University of California and Massachusetts revealed the myth that people become more productive when they switch to remote work. Thoughtful scientific analysis has shown that people in their comfort work with greater returns.

At first glance, this is how it should be, debt work, tiresome trips to official and feedback, and time to communicate with family are really removed. Comparison of the results of the work of two employees engaged in group data entry from home and workplaces in the office dotted all the “i”. Such a significant difference in productivity is explained by the fact that in the office employees are more disciplined and strictly adhere to the schedule, while at home you can choose exactly when to work or rest.

It is also worth accepting that some people simply need to be at home during the day to be with loved ones and take care of them. This makes them more scattered, does not allow detection and lead to an indicator of efficiency. This is also a motive in cases where employees are willing to lose wages by not working from home. Some even quit if they find understanding with their superiors. maximum efficiency is shown only in the hybrid mode of operation, when only the operating time is increased remotely.

Source: Tech Cult

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