Intermediate groups in the most extreme conditions The excellent University of Edinburgh has declared its secrecy. Researchers have managed to synthesize a material that is superior in hardness to cubic boron nitride, which ranks second in our ranking. The new material contains nitride carbon. The path to success took three decades.
Dominique Laniel, one of the team’s leaders at the University of Edinburgh, said the discovery would provide a powerful incentive for the materials to be synthesized under strict control and for widespread industrial use. Similar significant achievements in this area of research have been achieved in the last few years, with carbon nitride being the final result of the work. Its three-dimensional shell is a CN4 tetrahedron.
This is ignored by experts in the materials of the University of Bayreuth (Germany) and Linköping University (Sweden). The researchers used various forms of carbon-nitrogen precursors at pressures of 70-135 gigapascals, simultaneously heating them to temperatures of 1500 °C or more. Polish combinations of atoms have been isolated at the European Synchronization Center in France, at Non-Electronic Synchronization in Germany and at the Advanced Photon Source in the USA.
Polished materials cannot be used without their own holes. These could include various mounts for space probes, powerful photodetectors, and cutting tools. The scope of application may be here too. Unnecessary sodium nitride and carbon also results in photoluminescence. weight.
Source: Tech Cult

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