January 24 is International Education Day, the purpose of which is to promote the importance of education for humanity.

Education is indispensable in our lives because by improving knowledge and skills we gain great opportunities such as recognition at work, taking part in universities and schools or personal achievements.

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If you want to improve your knowledge, you can benefit from the following benefits. Video courses starting from R$ 27.90 on Udemywith various options such as programming, business management, languages, marketing, music and more.

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Image: Tecmundo Recommends

Learn skills from real experts from around the world. Courses starting from R$ 27.90 each until January 24th. Choose from over 210,000 online video courses and get your favorite course!

Source: Tec Mundo

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I am a passionate and hardworking journalist with an eye for detail. I specialize in the field of news reporting, and have been writing for Gadget Onus, a renowned online news site, since 2019. As the author of their Hot News section, I’m proud to be at the forefront of today’s headlines and current affairs.


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