The Florida Museum also confirmed the registration of the latest ciphers of the oVert library, which presents three-dimensional images of 13 thousand cells of museum exhibits. These are different types of species: reptiles, birds, mammals, which x can now be seen from the inside. The results were obtained using computer homography technology, and each Being revealed the secrets of its condition.
The idea is based on this, since many museums are exotic and quickly destroyed. In addition, the study of their internal structures already requires violation and adherence to patterns. Therefore, it was decided to create extremely detailed virtual analogies, this is the same as millions of children without the risk of true exoticism.
Unexpectedly, many scans of works were transferred to a new mass study. Looking into a living creature, they made a number of amazing postcards. Thus, it turned out that osteodermal bone plates are found inside the tails of not only armadillos, as previously thought, but also in spiny mice. And the frogs were surprised that during their evolution they grew and lost teeth 20 times.
The images turned out to be so subtle and fascinating that they have become a help even for artists, and they are also used as educational material. No, this is not true – the scanning process was compiled separately to modernize tomography. As a result, the most popular scanners are equipped with new types, for example, allowing you to look into a variety of objects.
Source: Tech Cult
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